DID U KNO bash has tcp sockets built into it? So you can do very simple request+response things. Instead of installing and launching ntpdate, in bash you can
cat </dev/tcp/time.nist.gov/13
60344 24-02-04 19:21:25 00 0 0 141.2 UTC(NIST) *
(would you believe I wrote an OAuth2 client in bash using this? I use it to post music scrobbles to last.fm, but I could use it for Twitter.)
Sometimes a program creates a tooltip, marks it with AlwaysOnTop, and forgets to dismiss it. This is what I use to find which process owns which window (including immortal tooltips). Type it, then mouse-click on the vagabond
xwininfo -stats
Find the oldest file in all the subdirs of current directory
find . -type f -printf '%TY%Tm%TdT%TH%TM %p\n' |sort |tail