Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you

  • 10 Replies
Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you
« on: August 03, 2020, 08:01:41 am »
Have you ever pooped...

- with someone looking at you?
- with multiple people looking at you?
- on stage?
- while making eye contact?
- while having the sex?
- upside down?
- on a boat?
- while singing?
- with your clothes on in public by accident?
- with your clothes on in public on purpose?

Please share any non-private poop stories.
o bb

Re: Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2020, 10:37:06 pm »
Have you ever pooped...

- with someone looking at you? yes
- with multiple people looking at you? yes
- on stage? no
- while making eye contact? yes
- while having the sex? no
- upside down? no
- on a boat? yes
- while singing? maybe???
- with your clothes on in public by accident? do sharts count?
- with your clothes on in public on purpose? no

Re: Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2020, 09:59:36 am »
Have you ever pooped...

- with someone looking at you? yes
- with multiple people looking at you? yes
- on stage? not yet!
- while making eye contact? of course it would be rude not to
- while having the sex? thankfully not
- upside down? not sure how this would work
- on a boat? multiple times, some of them were even into a toilet
- while singing? mostly
- with your clothes on in public by accident? nah
- with your clothes on in public on purpose? also nah

Please share any non-private poop stories.

Re: Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2020, 10:03:48 am »
i have a hundred poop stories but they have to come up organically, something sparks a memory and i tell them. that's just how my brain works. and im not very good at spinning them out into epic tales

i've pooped out of a moving vehicle (schoolbus, window)

i've pooped off the stern of a boat (head was down)

when nature calls, I answer

Re: Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2020, 06:55:27 pm »
i have a hundred poop stories but they have to come up organically, something sparks a memory and i tell them. that's just how my brain works. and im not very good at spinning them out into epic tales

i've pooped out of a moving vehicle (schoolbus, window)

i've pooped off the stern of a boat (head was down)

when nature calls, I answer

holy shit please tell us the schoolbus story

how old were you? how many other kids were there?

Re: Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2020, 03:37:41 am »
i was about thirteen. it was a church bus. maybe about 10, 15 kids in this ancient schoolbus, the kind with a row of wide windows above the seats.

i was already used to the idea of "when in road trip mode, hold it for hours" it didn't even occur to me to ask the driver to stop. i peed into a bottle but i had to go #2, man. so i fit my entire ass and thighs and most of my lower back out the window, hooking around the window frame with my knees, i got someone to hold my arms i was worried about going over a bump and falling thru.

then just pwerp pwerp dropping turds on the highway. i don't remember who was driving. wiped my butthole with a paper bag.


Re: Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2020, 04:09:18 am »
i was about thirteen. it was a church bus. maybe about 10, 15 kids in this ancient schoolbus, the kind with a row of wide windows above the seats.

i was already used to the idea of "when in road trip mode, hold it for hours" it didn't even occur to me to ask the driver to stop. i peed into a bottle but i had to go #2, man. so i fit my entire ass and thighs and most of my lower back out the window, hooking around the window frame with my knees, i got someone to hold my arms i was worried about going over a bump and falling thru.

then just pwerp pwerp dropping turds on the highway. i don't remember who was driving. wiped my butthole with a paper bag.

ahahaha what the fuck

I love how you even managed to get somebody to help you shit out the window

how did the other kids react to you pissing in bottles and shitting out of the window?

Re: Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2020, 04:25:30 am »
they thought it was pretty funny





Re: Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2020, 08:34:31 am »
i've pooped out of a moving vehicle (schoolbus, window)

Thread was worth it just for this image
o bb

Re: Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2020, 08:35:29 am »
I keep laughing about this while working
o bb

Re: Have you ever pooped with someone looking at you
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2021, 05:25:47 pm »
Did your parents ever make you poop in a weird contraption like this?
