Wetfish is toxic

  • 44 Replies
Wetfish is toxic
« on: February 10, 2018, 09:24:41 pm »
rachel: Firedoll said you talked to her because you were "concerned about me" ? ? ? ?
 paperclip: Ah yeah I just feel like wetfish has taken a turn for the worst
 rachel: How so?
 paperclip: Very toxic
 rachel: How so?
 paperclip: Just is
 rachel: We have more women in the channel than ever and we ban people for being racist
 rachel: Not sure what else you're looking for
 paperclip: Yet many of the chatters openly hate women
 paperclip: Makes no sense
 rachel: Who are these chatters who hate women?
 paperclip: Not naming names

Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2018, 12:35:45 am »

redheron's Avatar


Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2018, 09:33:46 am »

h's Avatar


Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2018, 10:42:34 am »
im a spiritual miracle lyrical individual



lemonrising's Avatar


Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2018, 01:38:53 pm »
Can't please everyone loll


Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2018, 05:32:12 pm »
Can't please everyone loll

i'd like to please you ;)

cause I definitely don't hate women ;)

lemonrising's Avatar


Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2018, 05:24:11 am »
Oh you have bb >;3

I feel nuthin but woman lovin from youu

Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2018, 05:43:55 pm »
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:17:45 < froskin> accidentally flirted with a trumpist on twitter
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:17:45 < Kitten> Mowh
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:17:45 < froskin> WOOPS
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:17:53 <@snek-sensei> oh no
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:17:56 <@snek-sensei> how horrible
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:18:29 <@snek-sensei> i can't imagine what i'd do if i accidentally talked to someone who liked things i didn't like
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:18:30 < ionicwake> blegh!
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:18:45 < froskin> says the dude who drops the n bomb constantly
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:18:57 < Weazzy> >constantly
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:18:59 < Weazzy> what
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:19:04 <@snek-sensei> nigga
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:19:24 <@snek-sensei> sorry for having actually lived with actual colored people who used it all the time and picking it up as a habit
18:20 <@snek-sensei> 19:20:37 <@snek-sensei> u need to chill with the white knight shit m8
18:20 <@snek-sensei> there's all the context
18:21 <+rachel> oh ok
18:22 <+rachel> hyrulean[m]: so basically froward, copt, and jihad (three white dudes) all got offended at snek-sensei for saying nigga
18:22 <+rachel> I said it's racist to say only certain people can say a word, and also, it would be nice if we had more black people in #wetfish to weigh in on the situation instead of relying on a bunch of white dudes to get offended on their behalf
18:23 <+rachel>  ?\_(シ)_/?
18:23 < hyrulean[m]> True and true
18:23 < hyrulean[m]> I agree on the only x people can say that thing being bullshit
18:23 < hyrulean[m]> However that being said
18:24 < hyrulean[m]> You don't see anyone saying nigger without hostile intent so let's just say for the sake of clarity nigga and nigger are obv dif words
18:24 < hyrulean[m]> But, nigga can still be a slur if placed improperly right.
18:25 < hyrulean[m]> In general its all a field of eggshells and landmines
18:25 <@snek-sensei> i agree
18:26 < hyrulean[m]> Like I don't think I'll ever say I like reading nigga but if used just right it siphons the power of the word which is refereshing

Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2018, 01:07:20 am »
late last night i was told that since i have been racist against white people, my own arguments against slurs and my emotions regarding their use are no longer valid, and presumably, are not welcome.

anyway here's an article on why hating nazis isn't the same as hating black people. i think it covers it pretty well.

i'm pretty dumbfounded how this is even an issue

it's a slur. slurs have a nasty history.

also rachel's chat log cuts out the bit where snek says "hey hyrulean is the only black person here if HE HAS A PROBLEM with it, I'll stop using it!" and hyrulean says, right in that chat, above! "hey i don't like reading it! ever!" and yet THIS STILL ISN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU PEOPLE

Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2018, 02:18:22 am »
late last night i was told that since i have been racist against white people, my own arguments against slurs and my emotions regarding their use are no longer valid, and presumably, are not welcome.

anyway here's an article on why hating nazis isn't the same as hating black people. i think it covers it pretty well.

i'm pretty dumbfounded how this is even an issue

it's a slur. slurs have a nasty history.

also rachel's chat log cuts out the bit where snek says "hey hyrulean is the only black person here if HE HAS A PROBLEM with it, I'll stop using it!" and hyrulean says, right in that chat, above! "hey i don't like reading it! ever!" and yet THIS STILL ISN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU PEOPLE

The only line that mentions prejudice betweens Nazi's and Black's is
Prejudice against Nazis is not the same as prejudice against Blacks, because one is based on people?s stated opposition to their neighbors? lives and safety, the other on a characteristic that has nothing to do with whether they?ll live in peace with you or not.

Ignoring how the entire article is ambiguous in every direction it tries to pull you in, makes hyperbolic points, or completely ignores the whole story when it's convenient to relate it to current context lets get down to what it does mention as you apparently took it to be the word of God in this matter:

It says you don't need to be absolutely tolerant of someone else and to do so would be renouncing the rights you have as a person. It says to see two people being together who may not completely like each other or see eye-to-eye as a peace-treaty until that is breached. It also says when the treaty is breached fighting back proportionally is an answer but answering the same way the treaty was broken is just as bad as what they did and serves no purpose. It also says when you respond to someone breaking of the treaty it needs to be in a way that helps to restore the peace.

It didn't start with Snek saying that word, it started with you being offended at someone with different views and then retaliating when it was pointed out and then you creating an situation that was even more antagonizing.

You're also apparently missing other things Hyrulean said regarding the matter to boost your own point, but I guess you got that tactic from the previously mentioned article.

Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2018, 11:45:49 am »
Casualties of you all being fucking "ironic" racist / sexist twats: clippy, dsockwell, emilypi, copt, frowfish

Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2018, 11:46:02 am »
12:33 < kate> rachel, hi
12:33 <+rachel> so do you joke about reparations with your friends IRL
12:33 <+rachel> do you make jew jokes with your friends IRL
12:33 < kate> yes, we make "off-tone" remarks amongst ourselves frequently
12:33 <+rachel> cool so you're just used to being casually racist with your friends
12:34 < kate> it's a joke
12:34 < kate> it's comedy
12:34 < kate> I don't believe jews should be killed
12:34 < kate> my friends don't believe jews should be killed
12:34 < kate> and no one takes my words as "kate believes jews should be killed"
12:34 < kate> kill no one
12:35 < kate> is there a list of acceptable comedy?
12:35 < kate> or are we only allowed to be sterile
12:35 <+rachel> the fact that you think it's funny to joke about killing jews is unsettling
12:36 < kate> why is that
12:36 < kate> why should anything be off bounds
12:37 <+rachel> because racist jokes are a filter that hate groups use to find people to recruit
12:37 < kate> oh come on
12:37 < kate> do you actually believe that?
12:37 < kate> am I part of a hate group?
12:37 < kate> I'm a fucking liberal
12:38 < kitlero[m]> Violence and harm require intent.
12:38 < kate> I don't hate white people, I don't hate asian people, I don't hate middle eastern people, I don't hate black people, I don't hate hispanic people
12:38 < kate> I don't hate gay people, I don't hate straight people, I don't hate trans people, I don't hate cis people
12:39 < kate> did I really need to state those
12:39 <+rachel> no I believe that by normalizing that behavior in #wetfish you are creating an environment where real racists would feel at home to push the envelope even further
12:39 <+rachel> like ras
12:39 < kate> we banned ras
12:39 <+rachel> we did, but only after he pissed everyone else off
12:39 < kate> and we'll ban any real racists that pop up
12:40 < kate> rachel, sacrificing liberty for security

Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2018, 12:54:19 pm »
2018-02-03 00:33:24   Emcy   ?im train your man
2018-02-03 00:33:25   %topkek_2000   Found train your man: http://www.aqpublications.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Train-Your-Man-to-Do-What-You-Want-584x900.jpg
2018-02-03 00:35:25   Anomaly   ddddddddd
2018-02-03 00:35:25   snek-sensei   yea
2018-02-03 00:36:09   Gris   shit like that being socially acceptable is exactly why i joke around about training women
2018-02-03 00:37:18   Emcy   men dont have souls silly
2018-02-03 00:37:25    *   snek-sensei farts
2018-02-03 00:38:37   clippy   men are basically the worst
2018-02-03 00:38:37    *   Kitten thinks it is the best day ever again
2018-02-03 00:38:39   dsockwell   whatever misfortune happens to a man, it's not bad enough
2018-02-03 00:38:44   clippy   ^
2018-02-03 00:38:44   %topkek_2000   can confirm
2018-02-03 00:39:31   clippy   only hundreds of years of pure torture will come close to what men have done
2018-02-03 00:40:31   Weazzy   honestly a lot of women do a lot of really really shitty things and they get a pass just b/c they're a woman
2018-02-03 00:40:39   Emcy   or one time being asked to go and buy tampons at the store
2018-02-03 00:40:41   clippy   no they dont Weazzy
2018-02-03 00:40:47   Weazzy   clippy: yes, they do.
2018-02-03 00:40:59   clippy   dude, no that's your male brain talking
2018-02-03 00:41:00   Weazzy   ever been around a group of middle aged women when there's a few teenage boys there?
2018-02-03 00:41:06   clippy   you need to step outside yourself
2018-02-03 00:41:19   Weazzy   absolutely blatent pedophilia
2018-02-03 00:41:25   clippy   wat
2018-02-03 00:41:43   Weazzy   you heard me
2018-02-03 00:41:51   clippy   you're full of shit
2018-02-03 00:42:04   FrobtheBuilder[m]   you know
2018-02-03 00:42:04   Weazzy   no, because i've both observed it and been the victim of it, many times
2018-02-03 00:42:09   FrobtheBuilder[m]   you're right actually
2018-02-03 00:42:13   Weazzy   so blow it out your ass, people like you are the problem
2018-02-03 00:42:24   Mozai   men are the others, so they are bad, and since they are bad anything bad you say about them is automatically true.  Men aren't like us, they're a different species.
2018-02-03 00:42:30   FrobtheBuilder[m]   my bf is cute piece of boypussy and he has this art club he goes to
2018-02-03 00:42:32   kate   >morpheus is gonna give up the access keys we gotta kill him
2018-02-03 00:42:36   kate   nigga just add them to the CRL
2018-02-03 00:42:40   FrobtheBuilder[m]   lots of middle aged women there
2018-02-03 00:42:44   FrobtheBuilder[m]   they always hit on him
2018-02-03 00:42:50   FrobtheBuilder[m]   like constantly
2018-02-03 00:42:53   Weazzy   ^
2018-02-03 00:42:53   %topkek_2000   can confirm
2018-02-03 00:43:16   Weazzy   i've had my ass grabbed in public, i've been groped in the crotch
2018-02-03 00:43:18   FrobtheBuilder[m]   the halo effect is very real
2018-02-03 00:43:33   FrobtheBuilder[m]   women are considered infallible because they're so vital for reproduction
2018-02-03 00:43:48   Weazzy   whenever i call them out on their shit they get mad and get some man nearby to yell at me
2018-02-03 00:43:49   FrobtheBuilder[m]   we HAVE to put up with more shit from them or the species would be doomed
2018-02-03 00:43:50   Emcy   i too have been sexuall assaulted in a oublic place by a female haha
2018-02-03 00:43:57   Weazzy   so
2018-02-03 00:44:08   Weazzy   fuck you clippy and your "all women are good" line of thinking
2018-02-03 00:44:11   Weazzy   that is all
2018-02-03 00:44:15   FrobtheBuilder[m]   yeah
2018-02-03 00:44:22   FrobtheBuilder[m]   falling victim to a cognitive bias
2018-02-03 00:44:24   clippy   sorry i wont join the "all women are evil" club
2018-02-03 00:44:24    *   Kitten rubs her face against the door
2018-02-03 00:44:27   clippy   LOL
2018-02-03 00:44:40   clippy   buncha incels irc
2018-02-03 00:44:45   clippy   itc

But yeah, I'm just a toxic woman-hater.


honk honk

Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2018, 02:28:12 pm »
Oh, and while we're at it, here's some casual toxicity from a while ago:

and be the butt of the joke
the real joke is you not spinning 8V

no the joke is his mom got him a fidget spinner and he's embarrassed about using it in public
honk honk

Re: Wetfish is toxic
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2018, 02:41:29 pm »
15:21 <svchost> hi
15:23 <rachel> heya
15:24 <svchost> i'm not very happy
15:24 <svchost> i feel as though we should moderate intent, more than actions
15:27 <rachel> yeah?
15:27 <svchost> idk
15:27 <svchost> racism is bad
15:27 <svchost> sexism is bad
15:28 <svchost> but there is a real argument for allowing "jokes"
15:28 <svchost> a lot of bad stuff in history started out with banning that sort of thing
15:28 <svchost> i think that we are competent enough people to discern if someone is joking or not
15:29 <svchost> on the other hand, there are people who are offended by certain things
15:29 <svchost> and i feel for them too
15:29 <svchost> obviously i don't think we should allow people to use heavy slurs
15:30 <svchost> it's not comedy when you call someone a nigger
15:30 <svchost> what do you think
15:32 <svchost> i really do believe that context matters more than the action
15:36 <rachel> I agree completely
15:36 <rachel> in fact
15:36 <rachel> kate and I were just talking about this in #freefish