Wetfish Financial Transparency Report

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Wetfish Financial Transparency Report
« on: November 21, 2020, 06:49:29 am »
Since incorporating as an LLC in 2017 (Read more: https://wetfish.net/post/business-fish) Wetfish has operated using its own bank account. All servers, developers, travel fees, and other business expenses are paid for through this account. I wrote some basic software to analyze the transaction history and provide this financial report.

Software Development - $107,825
Personal Contributions - $19,995

Contractors - $93,875.96
Servers - $6,849.08
Investments - $5,744.27
Misc. Business - $2,257.36
Travel - $1142.58
Food - $559.9
Conferences - $457.33
Materials - $392.94

These are the all time totals for the company, since incorporating in July 2017. We could probably cut back on some of our server costs, but when you do the math it works out to only about $190 a month.
