neptun's random ideas thread

  • 14 Replies
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neptun's random ideas thread
« on: March 03, 2017, 05:10:10 pm »
Post your strange ideas here :v

A fancy dildo: Simply put, it weakly induces the thermal grill illusion (see ) for a unique kind of stimulation.

It would have an infrared-permeable exterior (e.g. the black plastic seen on older TV remotes) which is shaped however you want, would be filled with actively-cooled water, and have a small infrared heat lamp immersed in the water. This could be done by having a single, flexible line run from the dildo to a floor (or desk-top) module transporting water/coolant, electricity, and maybe data (see below). Both how much the water is cooled, and how much voltage is going to the LEDs could be adjusted with a pair of knobs installed on the pump/cooler.

- Since the water isn't consumed in any fashion, it could be replaced with a more thermally-conductive liquid, as long as it is infrared-permeable.
- The internal heat lamp could be replaced by a matrix of infrared LEDs hooked up to a multiplexer and microcontroller on the dildo, and thus only cause the thermal grill effect on individual parts of the skin in alternating patterns.
- Instead of driving the stimulation patterns directly, the microcontroller could have serial data ran over the dildo's main line to the floor/desktop module. This can then have a USB connection, so that the dildo can be interfaced with computer programs in any manner.
- The dildo could also have all the already-existing stimulation modules (vibration, mechanical joints, fleshy exterior, etc.) as long as these parts are infrared-permeable.
- Assuming the dildo has a flexible exterior and a data line, small piezoelectric sensors and wiring could be integrated into the exterior of the dildo to detect variations in pressure across it's surface. This data can be exported to the internet for interfacing with others' sex toys, likely for more tactile netsex.
- ALL of the above features can also be fashioned to work on a fleshlight, to allow flaming, hot netsex!


« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 05:33:17 pm by neptun »

Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2017, 10:03:47 pm »
One idea I've had for teledildonics is a butt plug that can deliver messages via morse code.
The butt plug could use vibration or electrical pulses to deliver the payload.
What do you think, neptun?

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Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2017, 10:17:11 pm »
One idea I've had for teledildonics is a butt plug that can deliver messages via morse code.
The butt plug could use vibration or electrical pulses to deliver the payload.
What do you think, neptun?

That's pretty smart, actually, from a tactical standpoint:
- It is the last place anyone will willingly search your body for a reciever, besides scanning you for implants.
- It is MUCH easier to construct than an implant, and can be removed if necessary
- When removed, it could be replaced with an identical (but normal) buttplug to give you an excuse for the pressure marks it would normally leave behind.

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Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2017, 07:46:07 pm »
Browserless youtube subscription:

In short, it's a combination of the following:
- youtube's RSS feeds
- an RSS reader
- a video player which depends on yt-download
...with the RSS reader's default internet internet browser set to be the video player

Personally, I use newsbeuter + mpv to manage my youtube subscriptions.

IIRC, it's also possible to use newsbeuter in your crontab to automatically update the rss feeds, as well as to output what it downloads to a file. Although I haven't tried it myself, it's likely that newsbeuter + yt-download can be used to automatically download videos as they are released.

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Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2017, 02:45:15 am »
Drone Familliar: (a collaboration between me, rachel, and steven :D)

- get a drone
- get a rope
- tie rope to drone
- set it to hover
- make it carry your shit as you drag it around on a leash

- run a power line over it's leash for extended battery life
- put a spherical cage-on-a-gimbal around it so that it can bump into things without crashing. The tether/leash can be run from the outside of the cage to the user. It doesn't matter much if this keeps the cage from rotating freely, so long as the drone inside it can still rotate freely.
- make drones in crowded areas legal!

Example of the aforementioned cage:
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 02:52:41 am by neptun »

Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2017, 07:58:01 pm »

An apparatus that attaches to your penis and sucks out urine. It would allow you to not take breaks while driving for long periods of time.

A custom-made receptacle will be custom sized so that the opening is exactly the width of the user's erect penis. The user will insert their flaccid penis into the receptacle and erectify the penis for a good seal.

With this apparatus, one can drive a long distance before they have to stop for poop or fuel. Especially if they consume Soylent which makes them poop less than if they consumed solid food.


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Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2017, 08:16:43 pm »

An apparatus that attaches to your penis and sucks out urine. It would allow you to not take breaks while driving for long periods of time.

A custom-made receptacle will be custom sized so that the opening is exactly the width of the user's erect penis. The user will insert their flaccid penis into the receptacle and erectify the penis for a good seal.

With this apparatus, one can drive a long distance before they have to stop for poop or fuel. Especially if they consume Soylent which makes them poop less than if they consumed solid food.

Alternatively, have an apparatus which is kept on the person at all times that is connected to the person's URETHRA AND ANUS, which can store urine and fecal matter. Have interfaces built into chairs they commonly sit in (such as the driver's seat of cars, dinner-table chairs, office chairs) which are capable of pumping waste out of the aforementioned buffer. This interface can be connected and disconnected as the person goes about their business. Since the interface can be customized on both sides (it's a machine mounting to a machine, instead of a machine mounting to a person), it should be much easier (and much less technologically advanced) to quickly attach and detach.

Interfaces in home seating can be directly connected to the home's sewer system, which vehicular ones will have to be drained periodically, depending on how often they're used.

Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2017, 01:10:37 pm »
Alternatively, use a catheter, or attach a condom to one.
no don't

Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2017, 10:27:28 pm »
Carpet-chair attachment: Plastic pads made for keeping your rolling chair from making abstract crop circles in your carpet. Each piece is just a flat pad (about the size of a CD) with beveled edges and two protrusions on top made for snapping on to the inside of the typical rolling-chair's rollers. This widens the surface area which the chair has in contact with the floor, leaving each part of the floor with a small fraction of the original pressure. The best part? It's 3D printable!
Why live?

Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2022, 09:37:07 am »
Bump. Oh, I hate how ideas always get buried. Not just on WFO. Anywhere. Who knows how many great ideas got left in the past, buried alive under memes and mediocre journalism?
use Foon™

Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2023, 05:28:32 pm »
What if we had an app that makes basic ASCII art inside of zalgo space?

What do I mean by zalgo space?

I mean the space where all of these little A's are:

We can make ASCII art with it! Why not code an app to do just that?

Think of the possibilities!

use Foon™

Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2023, 01:25:45 pm »
What if we had an app that makes basic ASCII art inside of zalgo space?

What do I mean by zalgo space?

I mean the space where all of these little A's are:

We can make ASCII art with it! Why not code an app to do just that?

Think of the possibilities!

Cool idea

Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2023, 08:38:58 am »
A small shop called "Adult Toys" which sells literal toys for adults.

The toys should have an addictive kick to them, giving them replay value which lasts for 100+ hours.

The toys would include:
- Perplexus
- This set:
- Legos, K'NEX, Lego Mindstorms, and other DIY creative toys
- Magic tricks and magic kits
- Novelty musical instruments
- Pranks
- Math toys which show off only the coolest phenomena
- T-shirts with cool math or information science concepts visualized on them. Each t-shirt comes with a card describing the concept shown.

Kinda like ThinkGeek but it's instead strictly a toy shop. With a focus on the toys being as addictive as possible.

The toymakers, whoever they may be, are encouraged to use unique and hand crafted build processes for the toys. This is to leave a fresh spin on the design of the toys, adding quality.

The store also has a preference for handheld single-piece toys over kits. Kits lose parts easily and are hardly portable. Something handheld can be carried to work with you.

Additional toys:
- The Helix Cube puzzle
- Holonomy mazes with customizable peg placements
- Borromean hairpins, but closed off at the ends.
- These dice. I just like them too much. >~<
- Metmo cubes.
- TIES magic system.
- Tensegrity Table


« Last Edit: July 31, 2023, 10:32:54 am by nepnep »
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Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2023, 01:08:14 pm »
A small shop called "Adult Toys" which sells literal toys for adults.

The toys should have an addictive kick to them, giving them replay value which lasts for 100+ hours.

The toys would include:
- Perplexus:

I have the original perplexus, my girlfriend gave it to me 🥺

Re: neptun's random ideas thread
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2023, 07:50:48 pm »
Web of Trust Search Engine

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- When a search is performed, SEO is based upon both the user score for the site as well as the apparent relevance the information has to the keywords searched -- A low user score means that the site likely won't be displayed.
- Remember, the Web of Trust aspect of this search engine is made for knocking down those pesky falsely SEO'd sites full of information bloat, advertizing, and trackers.

Trusted users flagging a site for...
- Bad load times or laggy pages
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...may get the site bumped down the search results list.
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