<Gris> Project Ozone 2 Reloaded MINECRAFT SERVER

  • 5 Replies
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<Gris> Project Ozone 2 Reloaded MINECRAFT SERVER
« on: May 16, 2017, 09:52:10 pm »
 Kitten looks back and forth at the wall for hours
<Gris> Project Ozone 2 Reloaded
<Gris> dontbeadick.beastmc.com
<Gris> Whitelisted
<Gris> don't be a dick, come play, have fun.
<Gris> get whitelisted in IRC.  Leave me a message or someone else, it will get back to me.  If you don't like minecraft, thats okay.  You don't need to choke on a thousand fiery dicks or anything like that. We can all have different opinions and still be friends and love each other. Lets not go making this about autism awareness month or any sort of convoluted conspiracy theories involving pizza toppings and the ebb and flow of coffee beans. 
<Gris> minecraft.
<Gris> its all part of the twitch launcher.  You don't even need to build mod packs any longer.  It's all clickity click click baby.  If you have a minecraft account, you can do this. Believe in yourself.  come on we'll make a co-op digital zen garden and laugh at memes.

Re: <Gris> Project Ozone 2 Reloaded MINECRAFT SERVER
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2017, 09:58:27 pm »
I have a minecraft account, but what's the twitch launcher?

I don't need to download any mod packs or anything fancy??

Is this some crazy minecraft mod with factories and stuff?

Re: <Gris> Project Ozone 2 Reloaded MINECRAFT SERVER
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2017, 10:14:37 pm »
i started installing then thought to myself wait this craptop cannot run modded mc >.< have to use my beast

gris's Avatar


Re: <Gris> Project Ozone 2 Reloaded MINECRAFT SERVER
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2017, 01:04:13 pm »
So basically back in the day you had to drop a bunch of stuff in folders and edit a few files. Then FTB and technic both made stand alone launchers that you just logged into with your minecraft information and it took care of all the downloading of directories and mod pack building for you, so you just clicked a modpack on a menu, it downloaded and then you could launch it. 

Those fell by the wayside just recently and now its all done with the twitch desktop app. 


So you get that going then enable minecraft, then click the creeper head then get it loaded, then click BROWSE MODPACKS and select Project ozone 2 Reloaded. 

yes it-will- have crazy factories and stuff but it doesn't have any of that on there yet. 

it used to just be one simple launcher and twitch sorta gobbled them up or something for some reason.

I think you can still use the technic launcher but i dont think it gets patches to the actual game files as quickly as the ones on twitch. i'm looking at the technic modpack version right now and its 8 months behind the one you end up with. 

I understand if you don't want to deal with twitch, they sort of suck.

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Re: <Gris> Project Ozone 2 Reloaded MINECRAFT SERVER
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2017, 01:06:27 pm »
I've removed some obnoxious features. Such as the John Cena Creeper which just destroys every fucking thing imaginable, and the chance cubes that make massive world holes or cause 2000x2000 cube nuclear holes.  Some still throw TNT.  I left 1 that makes a small lava circle and disabled the huge one.  And I've gotten rid of some of the mobs that just spawn from them and run around with TNT strapped to them.   

If we want them re-enabled I can.  Some of the laggier block outcomes from these chance cubes are still enabled, I didn't take away -all- the fun.   Just some things that seriously screw shit up or make huge black holes through the world past bedrock for people to lag-load fall into. 

I think player on player damage might be disabled because I suck dicks for a living. 

your king desires minecraft
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2017, 01:52:11 pm »
gris is this still going