Wetfish Town Hall Meeting

  • 100 Replies
Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #30 on: August 03, 2021, 01:15:46 pm »
Meeting notes from August 1st

# Wetfish Town Hall - Sunday, August 1st
## Monthly overview
- Strictly Business
- We've hired a new developer, kristen, starting half way through this month
- We are talking with a new client about potentially doing a big rewrite of their software

- Personal stuff
- Ozmiander broke up with me and has left the community
- My grandma passed away last month, so I spent 10 days in NY with my family and working on the NY nature preserve

## Questions / Concerns
- kristen thinks that more time needs to be spent on project management, there is a serious lack of structure and it's hard to know what needs to be worked on
- we need someone to do sysadmin and devops, if anyone wants to volunteer to help out that would be great, and we will PAY YOU
- I am focused on managing our client projects and do not have time for setting up jitsi, upgrading matrix, etc.

## Discussion Notes
- libfud wants to have a meeting to discuss project management on tuesday at 6 PM mountain time
- kate, kakama, and eva are also interested in attending, and coming to the colorado mountain property



Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2021, 06:48:27 pm »
(Sober) October 1st
Biz updates:
- Hired Rachel the atmospheric scientist to do surveying; she planted trees
- Kate found glitch in IRC-Matrix bridge, maybe because of a name collision,
  was resolved but could not be reproduced
- mirc and hexchat says the SSL cert is expired, something to do with
  letsencrypt root cert expiring?

Community updates:
- townhall last month was disorganized, apologies
- end of August, kakama-sponsored real-life recruiting event, a hot
  springs hike.  a couple people are around more often and tinkering
  on matrix
- more IRL visits, including sixty native Colorado trees planted, and
  a primitive A-frame shelter for camping on the mountain
- "Kate is still upset with the state of #freefish --" "(Kate) I don't care!"
- "I miss [name]"  "the talk about murdering family with a bomb, tho."

- camping at the A-frame
- pro-choice rallies
- can jitsi replace mumble even with mobile devices?
- "logs are put down, but need to cover the logs with dirt, need to hire
  someone with a bulldozer, flatten out the top part of the hill, put a
  trailer up there, yeah."
- keen on funding projects like building a bioreactor ("I don't need funding
  what I need is more time, ha.")
- a proposal that could be funded would be scientific grants, very small,
  with a specific plan.  interested in ecological sustainability research.

Wetfish gaiden: Nature Preservation
- working with ecologists and biologists, for non-profit nature conservatory
- Audubon society meetings are full of old people; recruit younger people
  into nature conservancy
- scientist Rachel wants to write a paper on carbon-sequestering paper, maybe
  prove farmers's claims on no-till farming
- take a decomm'd coal power-plant, use it for renewable nrg storage?


« Last Edit: October 04, 2021, 07:21:15 am by Mozai »

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2021, 12:57:25 am »
(Sober) October 1st
Biz updates:
- Hired Rachel the atmospheric scientist to do surveying; she planted trees
- Kate found glitch in IRC-Matrix bridge, maybe because of a name collision,
  was resolved but could not be reproduced
- mirc and hexchat says the SSL cert is expired, something to do with
  letsencrypt root cert expiring?

Community updates:
- townhall last month was disorganized, apologies
- end of August, kakama-sponsored real-life recruiting event, a hot
  springs hike.  a couple people are around more often and tinkering
  on matrix
- more IRL visits, including sixty native Colorado trees planted, and
  a primitive A-frame shelter for camping on the mountain
- "Kate is still upset with the state of #freefish --" "(Kate) I don't care!"

- camping at the A-frame
- pro-choice rallies
- can jitsi replace mumble even with mobile devices?
- "I miss [name]"  "the talk about murdering family with a bomb, tho."
- "logs are put down, but need to cover the logs with dirt, need to hire
  someone with a bulldozer, flatten out the top part of the hill, put a
  trailer up there, yeah."
- keen on funding projects like building a bioreactor ("I don't need funding
  what I need is more time, ha.")
- a proposal that could be funded would be scientific grants, very small,
  with a specific plan.  interested in ecological sustainability research.

Wetfish gaiden: Nature Preservation
- working with ecologists and biologists, for non-profit nature conservatory
- Audubon society meetings are full of old people; recruit younger people
  into nature conservancy
- scientist Rachel wants to write a paper on carbon-sequestering paper, maybe
  prove farmers's claims on no-till farming
- take a decomm'd coal power-plant, use it for renewable nrg storage?

TY for the lovely notes! Nice to keep updated on whats going on when i can't make meetings. ty!

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2021, 06:17:31 pm »
notes from [Bust-A-Nut] November 1st meeting

- chair waited for 10 people to attend, to forum quorum (?)

- rachel is proud of reaching a carnal milestone and
  completing the "Sober October" challenge
- "has anyone here had a real yam? not what Americans or Kiwis
  call yams, I mean genus Dioscorea, real @#$%ing yams."
- start a home-lab for distilling estrogen from vegetable sources,
  "make our own tranny Breaking Bad"

- finally merged halfwit's code changes, the wiki can now persist
  through a restart
- luke asked how to document wetfish digital assets, rachel offers to
  put herself at his disposal to answer questions every few days

- largest community meet-up without rachel's direction "grass-roots,
  organic" meet-up that incldued korean barbeque
- request for a #sciencefish special interest group; rachel suggested
  #dryfish for now, or #permies for nature preservation. form a new
  chatroom when a topic persitently dominates a more general-interest room

- plans for the cabin fell through. It was a shed, someone she hired
  declined to build to gov't specs, would not get permits either
- rachel will hire a differnt contractor to survey the site
- cloud layer decended to ground level
- rambling cows ate the haybales in storage
- scientist rachel studying forest restoration at the site
- scientist rachel suggests "Science Friday" podcast on NPR
  because they had a piece about beavers in Colorado




Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #34 on: December 01, 2021, 06:42:30 pm »
Notes from the misleadingly-named December, actually the twelfth month

- rachel working on client projects
- luke working on documentation
  it's a Google Docs thing, no confidential information
  Mozai locked out so he's not tempted to take on another thing
  rachel asks please don't scan/ fuzztest our servers, it'll trip alarms
- "sadworld"  the other people still want to move forward they're just
  busy so no progress, "million-dollar extreme, vapourwave surreal"
  "chipolte is working on it, maybe wetfish to make an ecommerce site"

Land party
- at the nature preserve, watering trees and spraying mulch
  got a deer problem, over a dozen trees showing signs of nibbling,
  five were ripped out, will be replanted in spring
- wild turkeys sound like R2D2

- past month was a buncha wetfish hangouts, people from Utah
- stunning expense bill for a sushi restaurant
- sewn some Fishmas fish
- playin boardgames together online like "Terraforming Mars" and "Gloomhaven"
- kate's been streaming and gathering an audience, may work for Kanader
  she's writing a replacement for systemd in C# "sharpinit" that's what's she's streaming

Dec 29th is Wetfish's anniverary "FishMas".  No relation to Dagon or
other fish-gods from horror stories.

April 23rd is when rachel will be a gigasecond old.

Institutionalized learning sucks.

Two of us are high-stakes gambling on political events, winning so far.

"The James Webb telescope will be bringing us, just, astronomical amounts
of data."  "I see what you did there."



Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2022, 07:19:37 pm »
Notes from the January "I can't hear you there's too many furries in the room" meeting.

* Rachel paid the Land-party labourers in ramen.

* Luke, Rachel and Kakama are meeting IRL to plan sysadmin stuff.  evaa strongly suggests "podman" over "Docker." Weazzy and Mozai have experience in this arena.

* emilypi wants to do an ecchi anime night, and standard hopes to have a documentaries show.  Mozai revealed he had "Monday After Dark" planned for over a year but never pulled the trigger. Mozai documented all the tech used for the monday night shows, and offered to deliver his notes to the ecchi directrix.  Rachel has ideas about how to take sync to bigger things, like a gallery of streams instead of single events.

* oh em gee the wetfish.net business website needs updating. Rachel's conferring with someone on a redesign.

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2022, 04:38:35 pm »
Hey y'all it's town hall time again

In 1 hour!!

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2022, 06:44:14 pm »
Feb 2022, the "spying on deer" edition

- January was a big month.  Tax season!  time to talk about revenue.  Software revenue has increased, tripled annual income!
- a potential contract for a space company?
- eva hired for wetfish devops
- meleeman hired for R&D for nature preservation; cameras and robots for monitoring.  Maybe put on a show and sell tickets.
- luke harassed rachel a lot (good) and the list of servers for eva and kakama was documented
- kakava, eva and rachel want to get off github; host our own gitlab?
- eva: "Ansible (?vault?) for the win! no pushing secrets to production!"
- colocation, in kakama's basement?
- off-site backups?  there's a hackerspace near rachel.
- due to the current chip drought, rachel's been <s>hoarding</s> accumulating old tech to re-use like raspi3s and 4s, better life for old bitcoin nodes.
- we have a belt printer and resin printer for making Wetfish merch, to sell at anime/ furry/ sci-fi cons.  A combo ashtray and joint roller?  glow-in-the-dark cat ears?

- standard is pestering people into donating to the poor; the name of the charity of choice is "Give Directly"
- the egirls went back home
- rachel's gonna head to Utah soon
- sonder is a good hiker and knotter
- meleeman 3D prints his own eyeglasses frames, defying the eyeglasses syndicate
- a burning-man-alike on rachel's mountain?
- (name unheard) wants to go to a furry con

Nature Preservation
- scientist rachel & meleeman are working on weather monitoring stuff
- standard's been doing something with vision recognition of deer
- weather-stations in different areas of the property because MICROCLIMATES
- meleeman wonders out-loud if his work journal should be shared documentation, like a code repo for text files.  Rachel says [we have something like that](https://github.com/wetfish/ecs)
- get hunting tags so we can cull the deer... but we gotta deal with the deer problem sooner than later.  also Colorado is a pain in the keister to get the permits
- rachel wants Canadian land too, and it has something to do with gaining a seal-sona

Mozai jokes "and that's why my API keys are on post-it notes on my monitor!" and that got a bunch of "well, actually..."

Deer-recognition software is a nifty toy.  "What if we had a (flying) drone with a nerfgun..."  "All you gotta do is import some mountain lions."  "What about getting decommissioned Chinese spy cameras?  look for documentation in Wikileaks."

"6502 assembly rules."

"Oreos are, like, ice cream sandwiches but really dried out."


Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2022, 07:37:44 am »
Sorry I missed the meeting, I had another civic obligation at the time.  I am now the Junior Zone 2 Representative for the Denver Metro-Area Intergroup.  Here are my comments on the minutes:

1) I thought migration to gitlab had been nixxed?
2) The devops document still needs to be fleshed out.  I will redouble my efforts to harass rachel.
3) There really is an eyeglass syndicate (though more research needs to be done).
4) I have some experience with cv2/computer vision:

I could work with standard on a deer recognition project.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2022, 07:46:41 am by Diabolizer »
aka luke

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2022, 07:41:13 am »
We still can't delete comments?
aka luke

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2022, 11:08:52 am »
Can we get this thread stickied? 
aka luke

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2022, 12:27:16 am »
Can we get this thread stickied?

Sure thing! Thanks for the suggestion

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #42 on: March 01, 2022, 05:06:12 pm »
Wetfish town hall meeting starting in about 20 minutes!

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #43 on: March 09, 2022, 04:05:27 pm »
Meeting notes from March 1st, taken by Mozai and slightly edited by me

Wetfish Meeting March 2021
 battle-scars from renovations edition

Biz Ops
- work on client projects ticking along.  One is so happy they signed
  a contract to double the work
- waiting on space contract, money is pouring upstream but rachel is
  stunned at the lack of documentation
- luke's friend Colin the roboticist is going to help with the sensors
  for the nature conservation
- hire another developer?  demand for labour ticking up, javascript
  PHP stuff esp. if the space contract comes in
- small devops blunder, API keys posted to github (oh noes!), API keys
  were regenerated.
- using Gusto or [Justworks?] for helping with accounting as biz picks up
- scientist rachel was let go, did not meet progress/tracking goals
- meleeman gettin' to work on sensors work (no you can't take on more work
  for wetfish you already have a job)

Community Updates
- kristin just spawned, on maternity leave
- people from /r/unixporn showed up because of a wetfish screenshot
- a couple drama llamas showed up, evading bans
- a gay ol' time at e-thot mansion in Utah were visited
- lovingsnek has a blacksmith's forge, made her first chisel

- alleged nine-year-old showed up.  Minimum age limit is a thing, not
  for maturity of behaviour (rude people of any age will get kicked), but
  because of concerns about liability, or people feeling constrained.

Other Things
- eva's working on a way to do automatic code deploys across all of wetfish.
- nicefish fixed the poll in the forum, yet to be published
- rachel still wants to diffuse control, it's not scalable when one
  person is the sole executive agent
- working on designs for wetfish nature conservation (web)site
- rachel still wants to do the grant program
- "robotic alligators, rachel, robotic alligators."  "what about robot
  wolves?" "no, you just want to be bred by wolves."  "shut up!"
- structured trials of different methods of deer deterrent.  Deer
  adapt to negative stimuli, have to change it up over time.
- while there's an audience, standard wants to tell you all about
  "effective vulture-ism"  and they are a 501-seethry
- events are starting again like Burning Man (Nevada) and Sunburn
  (New Mexico) and regional festivals that use wetfish software.  which
  means maintenance and support.  And sometimes we get comp tickets.
  "what about a Wetfish camp at Burning Man?"
- luke wants to do a pizza-party in Colorado

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2022, 05:07:03 pm »
Does anybody even care about these meetings?