New server is live, lots of bugs fixed!

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New server is live, lots of bugs fixed!
« on: July 13, 2023, 12:54:31 am »
It's official, we've finally switched over to our new production server with automatic deployments powered by GitHub Actions. This new server migration has been in the works for the past few months with help from goos, Wetfish's devops specialist. The main website, wiki, forums, click, danger, and glitch were all updated to run inside docker containers that get automatically updated whenever new code is merged on GitHub.

This means I'm no longer the single point of failure / bottleneck for deploying new changes and everyone in the community can more rapidly contribute to our projects. Plus our new server has over 1 TB of storage space so we don't have to worry about running out of space any time soon.


Let's talk about all the juicy new features and bug fixes!

  • Captcha is fixed on mobile for both the wiki and forums (special thanks to meleeman!)
  • Wiki now allows you to upload .mp3 files again
  • List tags on the forums have been fixed to display bullets and numbers
  • Now you can use custom fonts on the forum!
  • You can also add custom text colors on the forums too
  • The inode/x-empty issue when embedding images onto the wiki has been partially resolved

Now that we've gotten past this big milestone you can expect to see a lot of new items and NPCs coming soon. (special thanks to Anomaly!)