reddit is blacked up

  • 1 Replies
reddit is blacked up
« on: June 17, 2023, 07:40:34 pm »
6/10 reddit volunteer mods announce they'll take their subs private (only existing members can see posts and nobody new can join) for two days starting on 6/12
6/12 like 7000 subs go private. there's liek 45,000 new subs a month so this isn't really a big deal but people are vocal
6/17 a bunch of those subs are *still* private. reddit sends messages to mod teams, announcing they will support any junior mod coupes to remove "top mods" that are keeping subs private

theres tons of writeups about this floating around right now. There's at least one backup site that i know of.

honestly who gives a shit, all the people really mad about this are unpaid interns, petty people struggling for petty power on the internet. and the blackout *started* because of.. planned API pricing for third party apps.

reddit stunk anyway, virtually every community was inaccessible to new users and to top it, it wasn’t new user friendly with all the stupid perm bans without explanations

that said; i'm still following this

Re: reddit is blacked up
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2023, 08:38:56 am »
But think of the sunken cost that we'll lose if this privately-owned space puts up barriers for entry!