Discussion Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: rachel on May 25, 2021, 08:15:48 am
Title: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on May 25, 2021, 08:15:48 am
Howdy y'all,
It's time that Wetfish started acting more like a cooperative, not a dictatorship. I would like to start holding monthly town hall meetings on Mumble (https://wet.fish/mumble) where we get together to discuss the direction of our community.
For years I have wanted Wetfish to be like a virtual makerspace. A community where people come together to make things. In some ways we have done this already; with many members of the community working on projects together. Some of these collaborations have been sponsored directly by Wetfish paying contractors, but many others were simply users collaborating with each other. The things we've built together are awesome! But in other ways we have greatly failed.
The forums encourage us to shitpost instead of write meaningful content. The wiki is full of old problematic memes and drama from last decade. When we were young it was funny and relevant. Now it's just sad.
Recent events on IRC have been polarizing to say the least. A lot has been called into question: The role of server moderators vs channel moderators. How to be more approachable to new users. Who do we actually want in our community, and what is our mission?
If you are interested in participating, please reply with what time (and timezone) works best for you and hopefully we can find a time that works for all of us.
I would like to start holding these meetings on the 1st day of every month on Mumble (https://wet.fish/mumble).
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on May 25, 2021, 08:36:55 am
I have a small area/stake in this space, but it's valuable to me and I believe I keep it tidy.
I have a day-job, so best times for me are 17:00-00:00 Québec time (15:00-22:00 Colorado). I could try getting in during the hour before work starts (08:00-09:00 Québec, 06:00-07:00 Colorado) but I suspect people west of the Rocky Mountains would not agree.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: meleeman on May 25, 2021, 08:54:17 am
who do we want in the community? hopefully more agorist anarchists. but also i still really like furries and anime people. and i don't want to let go of that. i'm used to doing a lot of shit on my own, and collaboration is usually done when i'm paid to do it. otherwise it doesn't usually happen. i don't see the value in taking things super seriously and i've always wanted freedom in speech and idk. i never saw wetfish as something serious so i just took things into my own hands. i've started instayiff. i've lived in my car and van mainly just cause i really wanted to start a career as a web dev. it's cool to say i started my career here. i'm very tolerant of most people and well, i don't spend my time in politics as much anymore just because none of it really matters, and i have better things to do than worry about an old man sitting in an office. i really like capitalism, and the freedom to hack repair, and create things. i think figuring out how to repair equipment and making tech for living offgrid is great. although in most cases it's easier just to hang out with like minded people or show them the way, and let em walk through it. i think being apolitical and focus on slowly subverting the government is something i'd like to be apart of. but thats me. arguing over what some man in an office should do about a country a thousand miles away is of no interest to me. used to. but i just can't see any value from it.
i'm availible in teh mornings but later i'll be up in the afternoons about 2pm cst later this week. which is 1pm MST.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: ceph on May 25, 2021, 03:58:38 pm
7pm-1am Eastern 5pm-11pm Mountain
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: tawd on May 25, 2021, 04:03:07 pm
I'm generally alive/awake/within 5 minutes of a computer after 5pm est.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: kayimbo on May 25, 2021, 04:08:35 pm
i vote for rachel, if not rachel then snek, and if not snek than what.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: tawd on May 26, 2021, 03:47:25 am
"For years I have wanted Wetfish to be like a virtual makerspace. A community where people come together to make things. In some ways we have done this already; with many members of the community working on projects together. Some of these collaborations have been sponsored directly by Wetfish paying contractors, but many others were simply users collaborating with each other. The things we've built together are awesome! But in other ways we have greatly failed."
In a way that is a sign of progress. As I've learned more than ever the past year, failure is a large part of the exploration of less well-charted waters.
People say "Edison failed a ton of ways in trying to make the light bulb" or something to that effect but as we know now, unlike our grade school teachings...Edison was more of an abusive intellectual property pimp than anything. So I'm not sure he's the best thing to mention.
for example
I may not always watch Anime night but I appreciate the fact this community holds one and often tell people about it and occasionally encourage random strangers I pick up from discord communities to check out Anime night. I've even told some of my IRL friends who I grew up getting a buzz watching Akira or Vampire Hunter D or Hellsing or the classics in basements with that they should check out IRC, at the very least for anime night.
Permies has been a great channel with some inspirational and informational sharing of knowledge or things just dropped by start a conversation related to permaculture or the planet/environment.
I see a lot of positive sides to wetfish and it's community despite the issues. Is like cute girl in nice dress with snaggletooth, not flaming vomiting poop emoji.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: here cums the fuck truck on May 26, 2021, 09:49:27 pm
https://doodle.com/en/ (https://doodle.com/en/) ^ this is how i schedule social events with busy people hth
are you guys gonna have an agenda & parliamentary rules or just yell at each other? will there be minutes recorded?
wetfish has interesting parts but my small attempts to contribute have been foiled so i've stopped. i was using the forums as a bit of a meme archive but i've stopped even that..
i still visit and i still send super weird people your way but i don't think any of them stick around due to the paradox of every easily accessible low-regulation space: noise drowns out signal. anime night seems to have high signal:noise but i don't talk to anime fans (behead those who defend anime, etc)
i've learned a lot about the world thru wetfish and never what i expected to. rachel has been very generous with her time to me. i just don't know any ways i personally can give back. and it seems like i care a lot less about wetfish than most of the people involved in it.
also the idea of a forum where any OP can ban anyone from their thread is a mindblowing game changer i look forward to it showing up all over the web in the next decade.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Anomaly on May 26, 2021, 09:54:50 pm
I should be good for any time this Tuesday, as long as it's after noon EST, because I'll be sleeping before then.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on May 26, 2021, 10:19:46 pm
are you guys gonna have an agenda & parliamentary rules or just yell at each other? will there be minutes recorded?
I am preparing an agenda for the meeting and will be seeking input from the community on a number of topics that have been raised to me both in private and on the forums / irc.
wetfish has interesting parts but my small attempts to contribute have been foiled so i've stopped. i was using the forums as a bit of a meme archive but i've stopped even that..
i've learned a lot about the world thru wetfish and never what i expected to. rachel has been very generous with her time to me. i just don't know any ways i personally can give back. and it seems like i care a lot less about wetfish than most of the people involved in it.
I'm curious, what have you learned about the world through wetfish? I think you're burned out from all the past projects you've been involved with, like your local hackerspace. It's hard to care when you've given so much effort, so many times, into different projects that all end up in the same place.
also the idea of a forum where any OP can ban anyone from their thread is a mindblowing game changer i look forward to it showing up all over the web in the next decade.
Thank you, that is actually one of the things I am planning on discussing. In my mind, it is the essence of wetfish culture. You have the power, moderate your own thread! Lol. When we make a new version of the forums we definitely want to include more features like that for thread creators.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rothen on May 26, 2021, 10:40:18 pm
I am open on Tuesday, and any time works for me.
I intend to argue against: Any form of centralized authority for what is considered acceptable (though I of course acknowledge that you, rachel, are the only one with any actual power over this network or any of these servers), any deletion of "problematic" material from the wiki (because we were all 4chan trolls back in the day and there's nothing wrong with that, and we mustn't lose sight of where we came from), any concept that we must worry about offending the excessively easily offended (for instance redheron; I know she was your friend, rachel, but the combination of her incredibly thin skin and her idea that others should shape their behavior around her weakness meant that an inordinate amount of drama was consistently centered on her), and the idea that Wetfish should change to appeal to those who wouldn't fit in with what we are now.
tl;dr I see nothing wrong with the status quo and think that everyone needs to take a chill pill.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: here cums the fuck truck on May 27, 2021, 02:51:33 pm
I intend to argue against: Any form of centralized authority for what is considered acceptable (though I of course acknowledge that you, rachel, are the only one with any actual power over this network or any of these servers),
i know it sounds great in principle. in my experience the spaces where "everyone has a voice" are not really equally represented at all. Instead, whoever has the time to waste and the desire for petty power - or just has a powerful/manipulative personality - will absolutely dominate, usually by just convincing weaker people to yell for them. The quiet and well thought counterpoints are quickly forgotten in emotional swell. (any Homeowners association or leftist org is a great example of this)
the best communities i've seen have all been benevolent dictatorships.
any deletion of "problematic" material from the wiki (because we were all 4chan trolls back in the day and there's nothing wrong with that, and we mustn't lose sight of where we came from),
this sounds great until you desperately want to forget the night you whipped your balls out and its attached to your "clean" screen name or whatever. i got my wiki article deleted because there was some minor doxxable stuff, i'm very glad rachel obliged me.
i think basic rights to privacy are sorely underrated.
any concept that we must worry about offending the excessively easily offended (for instance redheron; I know she was your friend, rachel, but the combination of her incredibly thin skin and her idea that others should shape their behavior around her weakness meant that an inordinate amount of drama was consistently centered on her),
i agree with a lot of this but there is also a moral obligation of the strong to protect the weak and stupid from the consequences of their own actions. the gentle way to do this is say "okay sweetie we made a special place just for you" and its a heavily censored place where nothing interesting happens. kinda like you would with a child.
idk i've been on the other end of that, triggered (not in a figurative sense) by dumb bull shit and then looked at it a day later and realized i was throwing a tantrum.
the solution to the weaker minds/hearts among us isn't to just piss them off until they grow thicker skin but just put them in a padded room. or sometimes just be patient & kind.
and the idea that Wetfish should change to appeal to those who wouldn't fit in with what we are now.
every community and relationship has to have room to expand. i have been thru two communities that were once a nest of weirdos talking about whatever they wanted, then an in joke about tentacles or whatever became a meme and the only person updating the main site was just posting about tentacles. and that was all the content.
tl;dr I see nothing wrong with the status quo and think that everyone needs to take a chill pill.
why would you want wetfish to be the status quo?
all in all, if you're gonna have cool weirdos around, they're all gonna be different and learn how to tolerate each other. the best communities ive seen all self regulate with a handful (5-10) strong personalities that verbally/emotionally browbeat others into "behaving well" eg replying to cruel insults with better crafted, more cruel insults; adapting to "invasions" by out-memeing the invaders and taking their best. this is however 1) contingent on a core of Good Posters 2) actual Work 3) not actually fun for people who want a quiet conversation 4) chaotic
also i guarantee for every thing you tell normies to chill about there are three things i could find in your head which you are NOT comfortable with people joking about and everyone ELSE is gonna tell YOU to take a chill pill. it is the way of things. also if you don't agree i will rape you till you starve to death.
are you comfortable with wetfish becoming something unfamiliar to you? what if every active, fun to talk to (by your own standards!) poster in wetfish gets really sewage grate photography and thats the new background chatter? would you be okay with that? what would you do?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: what on May 29, 2021, 10:57:47 pm
can i get drunk and yell racial slurs at people that i disagree with?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on May 29, 2021, 11:03:20 pm
can i get drunk and yell racial slurs at people that i disagree with?
Nope. If you do not act with civility during the meeting your opinion will be disregarded and you will be disconnected from the mumble server.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: what on May 29, 2021, 11:10:13 pm
very well, i accept your terms. I'm most available on the weekends or mondays after 5PM
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on May 30, 2021, 10:33:47 am
Based on the responses we've gotten so far, I think the best time for our meeting will be at 6:30 PM (mountain time), 8:30 PM (eastern time). That's an hour before when anime night happens.
Since I would like to hold these meetings on the 1st day of each month, the day of the week will change. This way we can be open to people with different schedules and there is no risk of conflicting with anime night.
Thank you for your participation, and I look forward to seeing you on mumble!
WETFISH TOWN HALL MEETING DATE & TIME Tuesday, June 1st - 8:30 PM Eastern / 7:30 PM Central / 6:30 PM Mountain / 5:30 PM Pacific
Please download mumble and make sure it's working on your computer before the meeting. https://wet.fish/mumble
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: emilypi on June 01, 2021, 09:26:41 pm
Just bulldoze #freefish and call it a day. But sure, I'll hang out.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on June 02, 2021, 07:03:02 am
Just bulldoze #freefish and call it a day. But sure, I'll hang out.
Hey there, you missed the meeting by a few hours. Be sure to join us next month on Thursday July 1st, 2021.
10 members (myself included) were in attendance at the first ever Wetfish Town Hall meeting.
Here is a copy of what was discussed:
Hello everyone!
I've always thought of wetfish like a virtual makerspace, or at least wanted it to be. A place where people get together to collaborate on projects. We do that somewhat, but I think it should be encouraged more, with an emphasis on projects outside of tech & software. Over the years we have made drama the focus of our attention for the lulz But I dunno, I'm ready to take things seriously
As of January 1st 2021 I have been working full time for Wetfish. Thanks to our client projects we finally have the budget to rewrite everything. The main site, the uploader, wiki, forums, as well as developing our own donation and ecommerce platform. You know, that stuff we've been talking about doing for years but never had the time or resources to do? Wetfish finally has the budget to pay a team of people to build all of it.
So if you know anyone who knows how to program, build robots, messes around with 3d printers, or anything like that, please get them in contact with me!
Anyway, I'm sure that's not what you thought this meeting was going to be about. So, let's talk about something that came up recently.
## How I feel about moderation We need clear server rules and channel rules for wetfish. And people who will enforce them fairly.
In my opinon the only server rules should be: 1. No posting of content that is illegal under United States Law 2. No threatining violence of users on the network or any people or property, anywhere 3. No actions which disrupt the network or channel moderators a. Spamming (Repeatedly sending promotional links to multiple channels or users) b. Flooding (Sending so many messages that the server gets slowed down or users disconnect) c. Ban Evasion (Using proxies, VPNs, dynamic IP addresses, etc.)
All other rules should be up to the channels themselves.
After reading my vision for the community, the floor was opened to these questions:
How do we deal with drama? Do we need more moderators? Do we need to shut down freefish? What is wetfish to you? What rules should there be in each channel?
Rothen and libfud both commented that they like Wetfish because it's a cool place to hang out online with friends. Rothen says that the existence of Freefish is important for an inclusive community. Just because we disagree with people doesn't mean they should be removed from the network. Ozmiander says that Freefish is trash and the lack of consistent moderation and rules is the source of our drama.
Upon deliberation we collectively agreed on these rules and decisions:
# Wetfish rules Just be cool No instigating Don't get caught in feedback loops Don't be a bigot
# Dryfish rules All rules of Wetfish PLUS Nothing non-safe for work (Mild cursing is fine, but nothing sexual please. PG-13) Keep discussions generally work related
# Freefish Unregister the channel. Ceph has never taken his moderation duties seriously and the people who he gives op selectively enforce rules.
Thank you all for participating. I look forward to seeing you next month
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: tawd on June 02, 2021, 07:24:00 am
Just bulldoze #freefish and call it a day. But sure, I'll hang out.
So you're going to be at next months meeting then, right?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: meleeman on June 02, 2021, 09:52:19 am
I don't see why freefish should be taken down, but if you do, then i'll make my own. but freefish would have minimal moderation anyway. Also if you're in need of programmers i can certainly help around. and i have recently with sync. maybe you'd prefer a different payment scheme which is certainly fine by me
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting (Should we use Jitsi?)
Post by: rachel on June 03, 2021, 12:25:08 pm
Idea for discussion: Instead of using our mumble server, how does everyone feel about setting up a new thing - a jitsi server so that we can host our own voice and video conferences?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Hyrulean on June 07, 2021, 10:18:30 am
Sorry I missed the first town meeting :( but hey I’ll try to make it to future ones. I love wetfish and want to contribute what I can.
My brain is smol and dumb but I like to make things in cad and on 3d printers. (Gimme tasks pay me in coral lol)
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting (Should we use Jitsi?)
Post by: meleeman on June 08, 2021, 10:45:34 am
Idea for discussion: Instead of using our mumble server, how does everyone feel about setting up a new thing - a jitsi server so that we can host our own voice and video conferences?
jitsi is cool, i've always wanted my own jitsi server tbh lol
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting (Should we use Jitsi?)
Post by: Diabolizer on June 09, 2021, 12:02:43 am
Idea for discussion: Instead of using our mumble server, how does everyone feel about setting up a new thing - a jitsi server so that we can host our own voice and video conferences?
I vote jitsi too
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on June 09, 2021, 12:52:29 am
are you guys gonna have an agenda & parliamentary rules or just yell at each other? will there be minutes recorded?
I kind of think we should, loosely enforced, unless things get really intense. or some minimal set of rules. we could have a virtual talking stick. I've been accused of promoting an evil super dictatorship and world genocide for suggesting this by the likes of meleeman (actually he said something like "this is how governments form").
All we really need is for each of us to decide to respect the meeting and the participants no matter how much we may dislike either.
I would also suggest that we all make sure we have eaten a balanced meal at least 3 hours prior. No one wants wetfish to burn to the ground cause someone has low blood sugar.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: meleeman on June 09, 2021, 01:16:50 pm
are you guys gonna have an agenda & parliamentary rules or just yell at each other? will there be minutes recorded?
I kind of think we should, loosely enforced, unless things get really intense. or some minimal set of rules. we could have a virtual talking stick. I've been accused of promoting an evil super dictatorship and world genocide for suggesting this by the likes of meleeman (actually he said something like "this is how governments form").
All we really need is for each of us to decide to respect the meeting and the participants no matter how much we may dislike either.
I would also suggest that we all make sure we have eaten a balanced meal at least 3 hours prior. No one wants wetfish to burn to the ground cause someone has low blood sugar.
yes. lol although i'm just extremely paranoid of them, but i also said that, even businesses need some form of organization. voluntary is the key here, a virtual talking stick makes sense and is something rachel would tell me in meetings although trying not to talk over eachother is sort of simple some people have a hard time holding their thoughts when someone speaks of a new idea.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on June 28, 2021, 10:49:15 pm
Hey y'all, reminder that the 2nd monthly Wetfish Town Hall Meeting will be taking place this Thursday, July 1st - 8:30 PM Eastern / 7:30 PM Central / 6:30 PM Mountain / 5:30 PM Pacific
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on July 01, 2021, 06:14:30 pm
New news: - we still want to upgrade the matrix server. need a volunteer, or we hire the contractor from Moldova - "Lisa" making a teleport server or some ssh portal, two different ways to audit ssh use when hiring freelancers to do admin. - deprecate mumble for jitsi. Mozai and Frob concur. - atmospheric scientist to investigate with Wetfish on nature preserve (cover cropping?). Referred by luke. "biotic pump" theory. - "Kristin" new part-time developer, appears in #devfish - luke may have recruits for anti-poverty efforts, could use a wetfish press pack - Wetfish staff are rachel (directrix), halfwit (developer), Dan (visual designer). Wetfish needs a more professional face for people who do research into wetfish
Old news: - #freefish is unmoderated, so no per-channel rules just serverwide rules - #flooffish and #poopfish appeared, drama arenas
Rachel: "yo, why is the wifi so bad in the bathroom..."
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on July 01, 2021, 08:14:45 pm
New news: - we still want to upgrade the matrix server. need a volunteer, or we hire the contractor from Moldova - "Lisa" making a teleport server or some ssh portal, two different ways to audit ssh use when hiring freelancers to do admin. - deprecate mumble for jitsi. Mozai and Frob concur. - atmospheric scientist to investigate with Wetfish on nature preserve (cover cropping?). Referred by luke. "biotic pump" theory. - "Kristin" new part-time developer, appears in #devfish - luke may have recruits for anti-poverty efforts, could use a wetfish press pack - Wetfish staff are rachel (directrix), halfwit (developer), Dan (visual designer). Wetfish needs a more professional face for people who do research into wetfish
Old news: - #freefish is unmoderated, so no per-channel rules just serverwide rules - #flooffish and #poopfish appeared, drama arenas
Rachel: "yo, why is the wifi so bad in the bathroom..."
Thank you for providing meeting notes! I was also taking notes during the meeting but it looks like you covered everything :)
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on August 01, 2021, 01:07:59 pm
Hey it's the 1st of the month
You know what that means?
Wetfish town hall tonight 1 hour before anime time, that's 6:30 PM mountain timezone
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on August 03, 2021, 01:15:46 pm
Meeting notes from August 1st
# Wetfish Town Hall - Sunday, August 1st ## Monthly overview - Strictly Business - We've hired a new developer, kristen, starting half way through this month - We are talking with a new client about potentially doing a big rewrite of their software
- Personal stuff - Ozmiander broke up with me and has left the community - My grandma passed away last month, so I spent 10 days in NY with my family and working on the NY nature preserve
## Questions / Concerns - kristen thinks that more time needs to be spent on project management, there is a serious lack of structure and it's hard to know what needs to be worked on - we need someone to do sysadmin and devops, if anyone wants to volunteer to help out that would be great, and we will PAY YOU - I am focused on managing our client projects and do not have time for setting up jitsi, upgrading matrix, etc.
## Discussion Notes - libfud wants to have a meeting to discuss project management on tuesday at 6 PM mountain time - kate, kakama, and eva are also interested in attending, and coming to the colorado mountain property
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on October 01, 2021, 06:48:27 pm
(Sober) October 1st Biz updates: - Hired Rachel the atmospheric scientist to do surveying; she planted trees - Kate found glitch in IRC-Matrix bridge, maybe because of a name collision, was resolved but could not be reproduced - mirc and hexchat says the SSL cert is expired, something to do with letsencrypt root cert expiring?
Community updates: - townhall last month was disorganized, apologies - end of August, kakama-sponsored real-life recruiting event, a hot springs hike. a couple people are around more often and tinkering on matrix - more IRL visits, including sixty native Colorado trees planted, and a primitive A-frame shelter for camping on the mountain - "Kate is still upset with the state of #freefish --" "(Kate) I don't care!" - "I miss [name]" "the talk about murdering family with a bomb, tho."
Proposals: - camping at the A-frame - pro-choice rallies - can jitsi replace mumble even with mobile devices? - "logs are put down, but need to cover the logs with dirt, need to hire someone with a bulldozer, flatten out the top part of the hill, put a trailer up there, yeah." - keen on funding projects like building a bioreactor ("I don't need funding what I need is more time, ha.") - a proposal that could be funded would be scientific grants, very small, with a specific plan. interested in ecological sustainability research.
Wetfish gaiden: Nature Preservation - working with ecologists and biologists, for non-profit nature conservatory - Audubon society meetings are full of old people; recruit younger people into nature conservancy - scientist Rachel wants to write a paper on carbon-sequestering paper, maybe prove farmers's claims on no-till farming - take a decomm'd coal power-plant, use it for renewable nrg storage?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: tawd on October 03, 2021, 12:57:25 am
(Sober) October 1st Biz updates: - Hired Rachel the atmospheric scientist to do surveying; she planted trees - Kate found glitch in IRC-Matrix bridge, maybe because of a name collision, was resolved but could not be reproduced - mirc and hexchat says the SSL cert is expired, something to do with letsencrypt root cert expiring?
Community updates: - townhall last month was disorganized, apologies - end of August, kakama-sponsored real-life recruiting event, a hot springs hike. a couple people are around more often and tinkering on matrix - more IRL visits, including sixty native Colorado trees planted, and a primitive A-frame shelter for camping on the mountain - "Kate is still upset with the state of #freefish --" "(Kate) I don't care!"
Proposals: - camping at the A-frame - pro-choice rallies - can jitsi replace mumble even with mobile devices? - "I miss [name]" "the talk about murdering family with a bomb, tho." - "logs are put down, but need to cover the logs with dirt, need to hire someone with a bulldozer, flatten out the top part of the hill, put a trailer up there, yeah." - keen on funding projects like building a bioreactor ("I don't need funding what I need is more time, ha.") - a proposal that could be funded would be scientific grants, very small, with a specific plan. interested in ecological sustainability research.
Wetfish gaiden: Nature Preservation - working with ecologists and biologists, for non-profit nature conservatory - Audubon society meetings are full of old people; recruit younger people into nature conservancy - scientist Rachel wants to write a paper on carbon-sequestering paper, maybe prove farmers's claims on no-till farming - take a decomm'd coal power-plant, use it for renewable nrg storage?
TY for the lovely notes! Nice to keep updated on whats going on when i can't make meetings. ty!
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on November 01, 2021, 06:17:31 pm
notes from [Bust-A-Nut] November 1st meeting
Meta - chair waited for 10 people to attend, to forum quorum (?)
Personal - rachel is proud of reaching a carnal milestone and completing the "Sober October" challenge - "has anyone here had a real yam? not what Americans or Kiwis call yams, I mean genus Dioscorea, real @#$%ing yams." - start a home-lab for distilling estrogen from vegetable sources, "make our own tranny Breaking Bad"
Biz - finally merged halfwit's code changes, the wiki can now persist through a restart - luke asked how to document wetfish digital assets, rachel offers to put herself at his disposal to answer questions every few days
Community - largest community meet-up without rachel's direction "grass-roots, organic" meet-up that incldued korean barbeque - request for a #sciencefish special interest group; rachel suggested #dryfish for now, or #permies for nature preservation. form a new chatroom when a topic persitently dominates a more general-interest room
Nature - plans for the cabin fell through. It was a shed, someone she hired declined to build to gov't specs, would not get permits either - rachel will hire a differnt contractor to survey the site - cloud layer decended to ground level - rambling cows ate the haybales in storage - scientist rachel studying forest restoration at the site - scientist rachel suggests "Science Friday" podcast on NPR because they had a piece about beavers in Colorado
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on December 01, 2021, 06:42:30 pm
Notes from the misleadingly-named December, actually the twelfth month
Progress - rachel working on client projects - luke working on documentation it's a Google Docs thing, no confidential information Mozai locked out so he's not tempted to take on another thing rachel asks please don't scan/ fuzztest our servers, it'll trip alarms - "sadworld" the other people still want to move forward they're just busy so no progress, "million-dollar extreme, vapourwave surreal" "chipolte is working on it, maybe wetfish to make an ecommerce site"
Land party - at the nature preserve, watering trees and spraying mulch got a deer problem, over a dozen trees showing signs of nibbling, five were ripped out, will be replanted in spring - wild turkeys sound like R2D2
Community - past month was a buncha wetfish hangouts, people from Utah - stunning expense bill for a sushi restaurant - sewn some Fishmas fish - playin boardgames together online like "Terraforming Mars" and "Gloomhaven" - kate's been streaming and gathering an audience, may work for Kanader she's writing a replacement for systemd in C# "sharpinit" that's what's she's streaming
Dec 29th is Wetfish's anniverary "FishMas". No relation to Dagon or other fish-gods from horror stories.
April 23rd is when rachel will be a gigasecond old.
Institutionalized learning sucks.
Two of us are high-stakes gambling on political events, winning so far.
"The James Webb telescope will be bringing us, just, astronomical amounts of data." "I see what you did there."
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on January 01, 2022, 07:19:37 pm
Notes from the January "I can't hear you there's too many furries in the room" meeting.
* Rachel paid the Land-party labourers in ramen.
* Luke, Rachel and Kakama are meeting IRL to plan sysadmin stuff. evaa strongly suggests "podman" over "Docker." Weazzy and Mozai have experience in this arena.
* emilypi wants to do an ecchi anime night, and standard hopes to have a documentaries show. Mozai revealed he had "Monday After Dark" planned for over a year but never pulled the trigger. Mozai documented all the tech used for the monday night shows, and offered to deliver his notes to the ecchi directrix. Rachel has ideas about how to take sync to bigger things, like a gallery of streams instead of single events.
* oh em gee the wetfish.net business website needs updating. Rachel's conferring with someone on a redesign.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on February 01, 2022, 04:38:35 pm
Hey y'all it's town hall time again
In 1 hour!!
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on February 01, 2022, 06:44:14 pm
Feb 2022, the "spying on deer" edition
Business - January was a big month. Tax season! time to talk about revenue. Software revenue has increased, tripled annual income! - a potential contract for a space company? - eva hired for wetfish devops - meleeman hired for R&D for nature preservation; cameras and robots for monitoring. Maybe put on a show and sell tickets. - luke harassed rachel a lot (good) and the list of servers for eva and kakama was documented - kakava, eva and rachel want to get off github; host our own gitlab? - eva: "Ansible (?vault?) for the win! no pushing secrets to production!" - colocation, in kakama's basement? - off-site backups? there's a hackerspace near rachel. - due to the current chip drought, rachel's been <s>hoarding</s> accumulating old tech to re-use like raspi3s and 4s, better life for old bitcoin nodes. - we have a belt printer and resin printer for making Wetfish merch, to sell at anime/ furry/ sci-fi cons. A combo ashtray and joint roller? glow-in-the-dark cat ears?
Community - standard is pestering people into donating to the poor; the name of the charity of choice is "Give Directly" - the egirls went back home - rachel's gonna head to Utah soon - sonder is a good hiker and knotter - meleeman 3D prints his own eyeglasses frames, defying the eyeglasses syndicate - a burning-man-alike on rachel's mountain? - (name unheard) wants to go to a furry con
Nature Preservation - scientist rachel & meleeman are working on weather monitoring stuff - standard's been doing something with vision recognition of deer - weather-stations in different areas of the property because MICROCLIMATES - meleeman wonders out-loud if his work journal should be shared documentation, like a code repo for text files. Rachel says [we have something like that](https://github.com/wetfish/ecs) - get hunting tags so we can cull the deer... but we gotta deal with the deer problem sooner than later. also Colorado is a pain in the keister to get the permits - rachel wants Canadian land too, and it has something to do with gaining a seal-sona
Mozai jokes "and that's why my API keys are on post-it notes on my monitor!" and that got a bunch of "well, actually..."
Deer-recognition software is a nifty toy. "What if we had a (flying) drone with a nerfgun..." "All you gotta do is import some mountain lions." "What about getting decommissioned Chinese spy cameras? look for documentation in Wikileaks."
"6502 assembly rules."
"Oreos are, like, ice cream sandwiches but really dried out."
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on February 02, 2022, 07:37:44 am
Sorry I missed the meeting, I had another civic obligation at the time. I am now the Junior Zone 2 Representative for the Denver Metro-Area Intergroup. Here are my comments on the minutes:
1) I thought migration to gitlab had been nixxed? 2) The devops document still needs to be fleshed out. I will redouble my efforts to harass rachel. 3) There really is an eyeglass syndicate (though more research needs to be done (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/does-luxottica-own-80-of-the-eyeglass-industry/)). 4) I have some experience with cv2/computer vision:
I could work with standard on a deer recognition project.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on February 02, 2022, 07:41:13 am
We still can't delete comments?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on February 08, 2022, 11:08:52 am
Can we get this thread stickied?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on February 11, 2022, 12:27:16 am
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on March 01, 2022, 05:06:12 pm
Wetfish town hall meeting starting in about 20 minutes!
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on March 09, 2022, 04:05:27 pm
Meeting notes from March 1st, taken by Mozai and slightly edited by me
Wetfish Meeting March 2021 battle-scars from renovations edition
Biz Ops - work on client projects ticking along. One is so happy they signed a contract to double the work - waiting on space contract, money is pouring upstream but rachel is stunned at the lack of documentation - luke's friend Colin the roboticist is going to help with the sensors for the nature conservation - hire another developer? demand for labour ticking up, javascript PHP stuff esp. if the space contract comes in - small devops blunder, API keys posted to github (oh noes!), API keys were regenerated. - using Gusto or [Justworks?] for helping with accounting as biz picks up - scientist rachel was let go, did not meet progress/tracking goals - meleeman gettin' to work on sensors work (no you can't take on more work for wetfish you already have a job)
Community Updates - kristin just spawned, on maternity leave - people from /r/unixporn showed up because of a wetfish screenshot - a couple drama llamas showed up, evading bans - a gay ol' time at e-thot mansion in Utah were visited - lovingsnek has a blacksmith's forge, made her first chisel
Policy - alleged nine-year-old showed up. Minimum age limit is a thing, not for maturity of behaviour (rude people of any age will get kicked), but because of concerns about liability, or people feeling constrained.
Other Things - eva's working on a way to do automatic code deploys across all of wetfish. - nicefish fixed the poll in the forum, yet to be published - rachel still wants to diffuse control, it's not scalable when one person is the sole executive agent - working on designs for wetfish nature conservation (web)site - rachel still wants to do the grant program - "robotic alligators, rachel, robotic alligators." "what about robot wolves?" "no, you just want to be bred by wolves." "shut up!" - structured trials of different methods of deer deterrent. Deer adapt to negative stimuli, have to change it up over time. - while there's an audience, standard wants to tell you all about "effective vulture-ism" and they are a 501-seethry - events are starting again like Burning Man (Nevada) and Sunburn (New Mexico) and regional festivals that use wetfish software. which means maintenance and support. And sometimes we get comp tickets. "what about a Wetfish camp at Burning Man?" - luke wants to do a pizza-party in Colorado
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on May 01, 2022, 05:07:03 pm
Does anybody even care about these meetings?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on May 01, 2022, 07:43:11 pm
Town Hall May 2022 ================== "haven't used mumble in a hot minute" edition
Business -------- - new version of our charity client's site being launched this month - currently redesigning the UI for our podcasting client - wiki, image uploader, linkrot on forums means autohosting for embeds, matrix server + bridge w/ ansible deploy... help! - rachel really really needs help for devops. contracted (another) someone that didn't work out. She can't take on a junior because she has zero spare resources for management. - need help from someone who doesn't have wealth as a primary motivator
Nature Conservation ------------------- - a month of drought caused the stream to dry out, but a week of rain is forecast - compost pile doing well, very most, rich loam after only a year - the trail is leveled-out, incremental improvement - still need an ecological assesment expert
Community and Community Tools ----------------------------- - Twenty or thirty people showed up for a wetfish meet-up last month, the "billion second party." Good time was had by all, first face-to-face meeting for many. - rachel gonna try different methods for stress relief - nicefish made some commits to the forums but they've yet to be deployed - rachel would like to overhaul the wiki, it's a memedump, is a wiki the best tool for this emergent purpose? - need to upgrade matrix software - would we move off mumble to something newer, like jitsi? - mumble client just works on all devices, esp during long roadtrips. - mumble has a bad echo problem when people talk over each other - rachel would like to overhaul the forums. What can we do with the forums that isn't yet another internet forums thing? Give thread starters more admin control over the thread. - "more and more of the internet is orienting users to be consumers. I want users to feel like creators. I liked the old internet where everyone had their own webpage, like geocities, a level playing field where everyone had their own space." - thx kate for re-implementing the .comic feature - depression chats, uuuuuuugh. emotional support yes, but hugbox no. Its hard to get shit done when there's people in the foreground whose only presence is talking about why they can't. Make a #feelings room?
Homework for rachel ------------------- - write out what she wants, in a way that people can understand
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on June 01, 2022, 06:04:32 pm
Town Hall June housing bubble can come anytime now edition
Community News - concern about one person being more crazy than usual, but they disappeared - rachel went to Canada to see BeSwift at an anime con - nicefish had a car accident, in the hospital. Used Jitsi to videochat using a mere webbrowser; nicefish was stuck with a locked-down tablet. meleeman had a vtuber rig. - luke and crit boardgaming it up - emilypi and kakama went to New York City together - egirl hotel will be shutdown, egirl hotel 2.0 "catgirl condo" is in the works and won't be three miles away
Biz and Ops - interviewed some candidates, still looking for devops hire - eva set up a DigitalOcean server ... but its unused - Big Fudging Deal: the "moon" contract is happening. "this is the space-internet control panel" We need humans! Supposed to be a year contract but they want to do a series of short-term contracts. OpenWRT? networking handled by someone else making radiation-hardened FPGAs. - homework from last month carrying over to write a mission statement, and a list of goals, need help explaining to other people wtf is wetfish, also so rachel can swap out this stuff from her brain so she isn't stressed being the fulcrum for everything.
Nature Conservation - getting brain(?) for the past week which is nice - using a livestraw to drink mountain water - digging a hobbit house - neighbour asked for rachel to build a road but nobody's used it (freakin speculators) - next lot over is up for sale - want to make a deer-skeleton pentagram, something to welcome emilypi
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: firefly on July 24, 2022, 11:19:07 pm
Were there minutes from the July Town Hall?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on July 29, 2022, 11:54:55 pm
but basically I made a list of things that needs to be done in the community and discussed them
# Wetfish Planning ## Most Important Tasks - Upgrading the matrix server - Automatic updates for IRC config changes - Make sure we include the cronjob to update letsencrypt certificates! - Automatic updates for all other projects - CI/CD pipeline?
## Cool Ideas - Network status monitor - Better documentation for EVERYTHING??? - Bot docs - A STANDARD for bots??? - Geographically distributed hub servers
## Main Website (wetfish.net) - What should it even be? - I don't like the blog that hasn't been updated since 2019 - Should the wiki become the wetifsh home page again? - Should we have something else? - Some kind of dedicated page explaining what Wetfish is?
## Nature Conservancy (wetfish.org) - Design team is currently working on finishing the designs for the nature conservancy site
## Hosting & Short URLs (wet.fish) - Finish UI for wetfish uploader - Prototype key-based auth system in the wild - We need a design
## Login System (login.wet.fish??) - What domain should this even use? - Currently using login.wetfish.net, but the old login system sucks
## Forums (wetfishonline.com) - Should we have a redirect for forums.wetfish.net to wetfishonline?? - It's really old and needs to be updated to php7 - Needs to be more fun & interactive - Should be able to post URLs to images and videos and auto-embed them
## Wiki (wiki.wetfish.net) - It's really old and needs to be updated to php7 - Add support for nested lists
## Event Management Software (playa.software) - It's moderately old and needs to be updated to laravel 9
## Meme Generator (majorleague.website) - Front-end needs to be rewritten to use Vue or Svelte - Back-end needs to exist
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on August 01, 2022, 06:24:50 pm
It's fucking August, and it's rachel's birthday this month. Driving to Canada with Avery to see Swifty and Quicksand.
Everyone who noticed matrix on Android there's an encoding bug, something about ampersands and HTML encoding. So far everyone who's been tasked with fixing it got overwhelmed, so rachel hired a service (not servant) to fix it, recommended by the docker container maintainers
Also need to update IRC server, max # of allowed channels for a single user, so the matrix bridge (bot) can't join every channel. rachel needs a #moonfish channel yesterday, gosh darn it!
Hired two more people. Contract ended with Waves (thank goodness), so we can work on moon stuff. Got re-hired for the moon job. Hired Weazy to do moon stuff, maybe for server config stuff too. Rachel can't talk about the wifi access point's missle hardpoints -- because she signed an NDA. Thousand-page requirements document from NASA, whoopie!
Nature Conservatory: need a mini PC for the weather station, the arduino we have now needs rebooting weekly, and that sucks. Rainfall got us a minor flood hooray. Getting free compost from a food rescue, mixing with hay. Unfinished compost smells very bad. rachel needs help moving logs around to build terraces. meleeman always has fun working the land. Rachel posted Dan's mock-ups of the new Wetfish Conservation website.
Rachel sounds like she's in a bathroom stall because she's got a fan cooling her off. ceph sounds like a Half-Life 1 marine.
Grousing about videos that have sponsor messages diluting content, rachel recommended "sponsor-block," mozai and ceph just seek past the first third of the video.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on October 01, 2022, 08:09:58 pm
Hey y'all, the last two town halls got skipped due to schedule conflicts. It seems like the 1st of the month thing is difficult to schedule around because it's always on a different day every month.
Maybe it would be better to always do town hall meetings on the first Monday of the month, an hour before anime night? Basically everyone who shows up for town hall shows up for anime night anyway
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: firefly on October 26, 2022, 07:32:29 am
Hey y'all, the last two town halls got skipped due to schedule conflicts. It seems like the 1st of the month thing is difficult to schedule around because it's always on a different day every month.
Maybe it would be better to always do town hall meetings on the first Monday of the month, an hour before anime night? Basically everyone who shows up for town hall shows up for anime night anyway
First Monday of the month an hour before anime sounds smart. You are right, our mundane schedules tend to based on weeks, not months. Doing it on anime night gives an incentive / momentum to show up, an incentive to end the meeting on time, and yea. Is this an official change then?
So, next Wetfish Town Hall is Monday November 7th, 6pm MTN - is that correct?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: nepnep on October 26, 2022, 10:46:18 am
I finally found an apt answer for this question. The answer being: I think it's best described as "a good chunk of internet".
Of all that which the internet offers, I find Wetfish providing the better experience. It's all-around helpful. It doesn't have any real bounds on what it is, just that it keeps up to par on quality for whatever it becomes.
Regardless, it's primarily a community, so perhaps I should just say "it's a genuine piece of the social net" instead.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: standard on October 28, 2022, 07:33:06 pm
first of every month seems great, just because adjusting otherwise will throw people off. it'd be nice if people could come back five years later, and the set meeting time is still the same as before. it establishes uh, the idea of permanency.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: firefly on October 29, 2022, 11:46:18 pm
first of every month seems great, just because adjusting otherwise will throw people off. it'd be nice if people could come back five years later, and the set meeting time is still the same as before. it establishes uh, the idea of permanency.
Are you saying the first *day* of every month, like it has been, or agreeing with changing it to the first *Monday* of every month?
Because I think a problem Rachel is addressing is that there isn't enough attendance as it is now. So, if people came back in five years, there wouldn't be any townhalls on any day if we keep the status quo, because she'll stop running them.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on October 31, 2022, 06:25:13 pm
Hey y'all, the last two town halls got skipped due to schedule conflicts. It seems like the 1st of the month thing is difficult to schedule around because it's always on a different day every month.
Maybe it would be better to always do town hall meetings on the first Monday of the month, an hour before anime night? Basically everyone who shows up for town hall shows up for anime night anyway
First Monday of the month an hour before anime sounds smart. You are right, our mundane schedules tend to based on weeks, not months. Doing it on anime night gives an incentive / momentum to show up, an incentive to end the meeting on time, and yea. Is this an official change then?
So, next Wetfish Town Hall is Monday November 7th, 6pm MTN - is that correct?
I also vote for first Monday of every month an hour before Anime night.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on November 07, 2022, 05:55:06 pm
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on December 01, 2022, 02:36:08 pm
Wetfish Town Hall returns from the dead 1 hour before anime night on Monday, December 5th?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: standard on December 01, 2022, 03:25:14 pm
Wetfish Town Hall returns from the dead 1 hour before anime night on Monday, December 5th?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on January 02, 2023, 10:08:44 pm
I took some notes, tho I didn't write a complete set. January 2 2023.
- we have too many rooms in Mumble - standard wants us to form a mob to take over NextDoor in Colorado - meleeman wants audio normalization between shows for anime night - Mozai wants an assistant for anime night; meleeman tentatively volunteers - a new user is being a dick and people are complaining; is it worth taking action, or just getting-used-to friction? - standard is at fishhaus right now? rachel was there in the afternoon.
- matrix server ran out of disk space. We've got 1TB of disk now, on a dedi server instead of a vps. - moving to Gusto for payroll-as-a-service. maybe we can offer health insurance? - meleeman fixed the captcha for mobile (bounty) - emergence fixed the hastebin service (bounty) - working with goos to automate infrastructure with Ansible and docker compose
- fishmas party at coep's Wetfish turned 17 on Dec 29th. - rachel is queen of the leaves - couple of us volunteering at a local greenhouse, heard about it on NextDoor - rachel's getting some tutoring in Youtube videos, makin' videos for the nature conservatory - (more talk about existing bounties) - gotta write documention for wetfish devops "this is how you set up docker", "this is how you set up ansible" - last night was an IRL livestream -- people were watching rachel play Noita on the couch instead of on Twitch
- standard proposes a housing idea; what if wetfish is landlord for employees?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on March 06, 2023, 10:04:45 am
I won't be able to attend the Town Hall Meeting today, I have a scheduling conflict (date with a cute farmer girl)
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on March 06, 2023, 10:09:33 am
I won't be able to attend the Town Hall Meeting today, I have a scheduling conflict (date with a cute farmer girl)
I mean, she could just attend with you, right? Nothing says panty-dropper (or compatibility filter) like a Wetfish Town Hall Meeting!
(enjoy your date!)
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on March 06, 2023, 02:14:33 pm
Something worth discussing if anyone does show up to the town hall today:
Goos and I have been trying to identify the root cause of some recent latency that users have been noticing between the Matrix bridge and IRC. Messages from IRC are appearing in Matrix immediately, but occasionally messages from Matrix are not being sent to IRC for 5-10 minutes. Goos thinks it could be a locking issue in postgres caused by users who are in large channels on other homeservers.
Matrix / Synapse support channels have not given us any helpful insight, and we have yet to find anyone else reporting similar issues on GitHub.
We would like to schedule another maintenance window for the Matrix server to upgrade to the latest version (there have been a few major updates released over the past couple months).
Is there any time in particular that works best for everyone? I'm thinking Wednesday night, March 8th for a maintenance window of a couple hours.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: firefly on March 06, 2023, 02:48:51 pm
Is there any time in particular that works best for everyone? I'm thinking Wednesday night, March 8th for a maintenance window of a couple hours.
To clarify: a time for those helping with maintenance, or a time for users to not have service?
For users to not have service, goos will be handling the maintenance. Feel free to follow along with our troubleshooting process by joining #ops. The #ops channel is dedicated to internal Wetfish network administration discussion
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on May 02, 2023, 01:57:21 pm
was there a town hall for april or may?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on May 02, 2023, 02:14:58 pm
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on June 05, 2023, 06:26:54 pm
Town hall June 2023
standard found a way to hack the system -- goes on a lesbian dating site to ask for a math tutor in exchange for cuddles.
Is the bounties page up-to-date? rachel: "it is, two exceptions: pastebin claimed by emergence, and captcha changes are in testing."
pdonghole: "if someone's literally a nazi, are they allowed in?" rachel: "I know who you're talking about. some of the things they said in wetfish was against the rules. Typical Nazi stuff, blaming Jews, unironically." pdonghole: "and dog-whistle nazi stuff like claiming lineage from Hyperborea" meleeman: "Are we banning someone just because one person hates them?" mozai: "people have complained about him since 2018" rachel: "he'd low-effort hit on me in PMs, and harass kate." meleeman: "oh." The person is banned, g-lined with "being a neo-Nazi"
- Spidey came to Colorado - Killdozer party on June 4th - rachel did more code review for docker-ization project, working with goos - Anomaly is working on new forum paperdoll props and has stuff to show off - new wetfish homepage, including for mobile browswers - want to get away from web stuff, it's a saturated market; the NASA contract was the most lucrative thing yet. more nature conservation, more industrual prototype stuff, goos and rachel talking about what to bring to trade shows - nature conservation, Spidey helping with nature photos and beavering, rachel using Josie's camera for videos - designs for a solar power array in the mountain with Colin; we have the pieces just need to make a frame to affix them to - new production server should overcome neptun's trouble uploading music and meleeman's trouble making captcha stuff
standard: want to go to neolipcon with me? mid-July in Washington DC. rachel: sorry, I'll be in Spain.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on June 21, 2023, 06:17:01 pm
Tune in on Monday, July 3rd, for another Wetfish Town Hall. This month we'll be featuring a special guest: goos, head of wetfish's devops department, discussing the new wetfish prod server setup and when getting community feedback on the best time for doing another maintenance window for our matrix server.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on July 03, 2023, 06:28:14 pm
2023-07 meeting
## resident experts ## Rachel: what d'y'all feel about hiring experts to hang out in wetfish? [link in forums] like a car mechanic in #carfish, and I met a doctor at Burning Man. We don't have a budget but maybe when we do. standard: yeah I did that with my gambling winnings; had someone just chime in about economics who just schooled us to keep us from going down rabbit-holes commmie: experts, like a therapist? holy shit rachel: well, not a pro, but someone who knows psychology to hang out in #feelings standard: we should do something about ableist slurs, that could scare away the experts you hire. rachel: so how about you and pdonghole enforce that since you seem most interested? standard, do you feel you'd be more comfortable inviting black people if you had moderator powers?
## new computer equipment ## rachel: gaysanta is inviting new users. Biggest issue is the broken captcha. Gotta update with the current prod and test servers. goos is here to talk about that. goos: yeah, follow the github, automated builds when merge to the release branch. rachel: matrix server upgrade? goos: looking at flagging inactive users, not sure what else, monitoring is messed up right now. rachel: we disabled user registration after the spam attack. The synapse control panel you installed was nice. set up sendgrid again so we can enable user registration?
## new forum paperdoll gear ## Rachel: My forum avatar doesn't have new items, we dont have new items yet, I just changed my avatar with existing shop items. Anomaly's working on new NPC items for the forums. She's working on something where we can play doctor and get drugs.
## Anomaly news ## Anomaly is scheduled to be gainfully unemployed, and part of that is going to Burning Man w/ rachel. Might be using the secure ticket exchange program (STEP). May be out of touch for a bit because of the awful that is changing medicine.
## LAND party ## Solar arrays (multiple!) under construction at the land party, for the wildlife camera. (what camera? just a Go-Pro) [link] to photos of solar array. Avery's working on building a cabin.
## Business accounting ## Recession affecting our clients, gotta reduce salaries, ugh. We have a year of runway after people volunteered to take a pay-cut. Finishing up our client projects now, then improve the wetfish website to help bring new clients in.
## Progress metre ## Last month's goals were solar array and new prod servers, they're done-ish, and rachel's proud. New prod server means meeleeman's captcha fix, and the new pastebin by emergence. Mozai's supposed to docker-ize anime night too.
## New business ## creature is new, wanted to see civic engagement at work. what did you think? "I think it will be very interesting to see how these play out." Confirmed he is a science-fiction double feature creature.
standard is helping with a town trans(ition) committee; rachel suggested handing out wetfish cards at strategic times.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on August 20, 2023, 02:19:12 am
The next Wetfish Town Hall meeting is being postponed a week due to Burning Man.
Instead of being held on the first Monday in September (9/4), the meeting will be held on the second Monday in September (9/11)
Thank you everyone who attends these meetings every month! 💖
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on September 03, 2023, 12:26:52 pm
The next Wetfish Town Hall meeting is being postponed a week due to Burning Man.
Instead of being held on the first Monday in September (9/4), the meeting will be held on the second Monday in September (9/11)
Thank you everyone who attends these meetings every month! 💖
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on September 11, 2023, 06:21:46 pm
Special nine-eleventy meeting.
The meeting was offset one week because Burning Man distracted us.
Chat community
dlarge used his new moderator powers to ban someone for the first time. rachel asked for a debrief. the co-moderator standard abandoned their post because "someone paid us a thousand dollars to leave wetfish."
rachel pruned the inactive accounts from matrix, but there are still inactive idlers on IRC. some suggested to just hang up on everyone, see who reconnects. rachel points out many people have software that auto- reconnects. "One dude I slept with twelve years ago and they're still idling here, haven't said anything in _years_." kate: "we don't want to ban people, we want them to engage with the community a bit to prove they want to be here." someone: "what about, like, a text captcha when they rejoin?" kate: "that will take a lot of work, building and testing." proposal: use eevee's "seen" database to track idlers (talk to goos)
commie would like it if people hung out in mumble more often to keep them company while they're at work.
Burning Man
rachel and anomaly went to Black Rock City. saw three diff people wearing wetfish merch from last year. rachel hosted a solar-powered LAN party, a Starcraft tournament (commie was so mad jelly they started swearing when they heard this).
Swifty and Saxton helped rachel build a food truck w/ a solar-powered kitchen for the campsite. She's looking into doing food truckery for real, with permits and stuff, not just LARPing in the desert. burritos and stuff, easier for "Food Not Bombs" work without being an unwashed anarchist.
Nature conservancy
Rachel met with "One Canopy" a reforestation nursery, getting trees to plant up in the mountains. One Canopy needs volunteers like five people to work in the greenhouse.
She's looking for custom-printed lawn bags to gather leaves. Alibaba sells them for minimum of 5,000 bags in one order, so maybe not this year. Luke offered to manage a GoFundMe for the purchase.
Business operations
Matrix host physically moved to a new datacentre which caused an outage for 12 hours, surprise! yikes. Thankfully this was only one basket for our wetfish eggs.
New wetfish website w/ svelte framework is coming along, maybe launch before next month. kate asked "why svelte?" rachel "it's new, I want to learn, and it compiles to a static site instead of chewing server or client cpu on rendering"
Last month meleeman got paid a bounty for riding the captcha. emergence has her pastebin ready for another bounty, just needs to be dockerized; Mozai asked to sit-in on that to dockerize anime night
Luke: are we gonna get rid of 'coral' [our in-game currency] because capitalism is kinda offensive." rachel brought up that the bounty system for incentives is even more of that, should we disassemble that first? commie framed it as attraction vs incentives.
Final notes
Tomorrow is Taco Bell Taco Tuesday, y'all. commie is getting better about tacos, deep-frying the tortilla, they're like better chalupas.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: here cums the fuck truck on September 13, 2023, 09:18:15 am
an easy hack for irc idlers would be moving #wetfish to #wetfish2, then everyone idling there sees nothing. Change the topic of #wetfish to "we moved to #wetfish2 for technical reasons, come join us!"
standard getting paid $1000 to leave is hilarious, if that's not open market dynamics, i don't know what is.
whenever i join mumble, don't usually want to be bothered, if they even talk at all.
if there were a web client that made it *super* easy to get on with no downloaded client, more people would probably join, especially for anime night, etc
if you really want a voice chat community, commie, you have to build it, with movie nights, game nights, etc. it's work!
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on September 16, 2023, 06:09:23 am
if there were a web client [for Mumble voice chat] that made it *super* easy to get on with no downloaded client, more people would probably join, especially for anime night
We tried voice chat for anime night a long time ago, and it did not work well: people talking over the show, people forgetting to turn off their mics ("auto-detect speaking" will pick up the sound from the show), and people watching the show are slightly out-of-synch while text-chat's slight delay smooths that out.
OTOH, the new 'sync' software should fix the out-of-synch problem, and we could teach people to use push-to-talk. We could try again, but I have concerns about scaling up past a dozen people.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on September 21, 2023, 04:38:14 am
Luke: are we gonna get rid of 'coral' [our in-game currency] because capitalism is kinda offensive." rachel brought up that the bounty system for incentives is even more of that, should we disassemble that first? commie framed it as attraction vs incentives.
As an addendum, I think bounties are perfectly reasonable, given that Wetfish needs work done and rachel doesn't have time to do it all. Not mentioned, is my objection to referral bonuses. I can't quite articulate why these give me an ick feeling, but I don't think less of anyone who is in favor of them. Finally, my support for choral is in part based on the idea that it's not real capitalism, it's just a game. But rachel has asked me to expand on the idea of how our choral system mocks capitalism (and by extension consumerism). As a grizzled culture jammer from the late 90s and early 2000s, I feel like this is my mandatory unretirement (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MandatoryUnretirement) scene.
The meeting was offset one week because Burning Man distracted us.
Chat community
dlarge used his new moderator powers to ban someone for the first time. rachel asked for a debrief. the co-moderator standard abandoned their post because "someone paid us a thousand dollars to leave wetfish."
rachel pruned the inactive accounts from matrix, but there are still inactive idlers on IRC. some suggested to just hang up on everyone, see who reconnects. rachel points out many people have software that auto- reconnects. "One dude I slept with twelve years ago and they're still idling here, haven't said anything in _years_." kate: "we don't want to ban people, we want them to engage with the community a bit to prove they want to be here." someone: "what about, like, a text captcha when they rejoin?" kate: "that will take a lot of work, building and testing." proposal: use eevee's "seen" database to track idlers (talk to goos)
commie would like it if people hung out in mumble more often to keep them company while they're at work.
Burning Man
rachel and anomaly went to Black Rock City. saw three diff people wearing wetfish merch from last year. rachel hosted a solar-powered LAN party, a Starcraft tournament (commie was so mad jelly they started swearing when they heard this).
Swifty and Saxton helped rachel build a food truck w/ a solar-powered kitchen for the campsite. She's looking into doing food truckery for real, with permits and stuff, not just LARPing in the desert. burritos and stuff, easier for "Food Not Bombs" work without being an unwashed anarchist.
Nature conservancy
Rachel met with "One Canopy" a reforestation nursery, getting trees to plant up in the mountains. One Canopy needs volunteers like five people to work in the greenhouse.
She's looking for custom-printed lawn bags to gather leaves. Alibaba sells them for minimum of 5,000 bags in one order, so maybe not this year. Luke offered to manage a GoFundMe for the purchase.
Business operations
Matrix host physically moved to a new datacentre which caused an outage for 12 hours, surprise! yikes. Thankfully this was only one basket for our wetfish eggs.
New wetfish website w/ svelte framework is coming along, maybe launch before next month. kate asked "why svelte?" rachel "it's new, I want to learn, and it compiles to a static site instead of chewing server or client cpu on rendering"
Last month meleeman got paid a bounty for riding the captcha. emergence has her pastebin ready for another bounty, just needs to be dockerized; Mozai asked to sit-in on that to dockerize anime night
Luke: are we gonna get rid of 'coral' [our in-game currency] because capitalism is kinda offensive." rachel brought up that the bounty system for incentives is even more of that, should we disassemble that first? commie framed it as attraction vs incentives.
Final notes
Tomorrow is Taco Bell Taco Tuesday, y'all. commie is getting better about tacos, deep-frying the tortilla, they're like better chalupas.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on November 06, 2023, 06:40:09 pm
2023-11-06 post-Burning-Man
We had some guests but they were too shy to talk on voice chat.
Social ------ What'd you think of the weird depressed catholic "Anonymous" guy? With the "evil is increasing" because of jaywalking? Came to wetfish to warn us about some dude they were stalking, some dude who isn't here. - "I welcome new chatter." - "TBF, jaywalking is a breakdown of social order." Jaywalking is corporate propaganda. - "are we sure they're not a bot?" "People should post dick pics to prove they're not a bot." "What about showing up to town hall meetings?" "I give it three years before bots invade voice chats."
Website ------- Got feedback, mobile looks good but the destkop version was accused of "big font for boomers". It's automated with github actions and docker images, CI/CD baybee. There's hooks for other projects too for things like wetfish pastebin. New biz cards in the style of the new website.
"wetfish.com" is $16,000. not paying that.
Went to a Burn-After meeting to present on the volunteer management database. Got a bunch of interested parties, schmoozing, could be a lotta new contacts/customers. Finding out the paperwork to create a non-profit corporation.
Rachel is getting hungry enough to make her Linked-In profile less jokey. Maybe %-points (5?) for bringing new business in. Check https://wiki.wetfish.net/business If you have the skills for connecting us, that's worth it. "Have you considered 15%?" That sounds insane at first, but that's what it takes to get a useful sales sociopath...
"What counts as bringing in new business?" "If they say you're the reason they're buying from us."
"How much business can you handle?" We have six part-timers.
"What's an ideal client?" Something that is not military, or oil barons. I like charities but charities can't afford to hire people. Someone who can afford to pay a fixed-rate every month. "Have you considered fintech?" ...that's rachel's day-job, soooooo yeah.
Still need to write devops documentation.
Meleeman is still tryin' to upgrade PHP for teh websitez; hurrah for breaking changes between 5 -> 7. The register page never worked, can we just drop it? "Yes, but keep the login page, we use it for admin."
Project bounties ---------------- Would like a showcase for projects built by wetfish participants, like our human-sized hamster wheel, or Kate's beer-pong robot. Yes, kate's beer-pong playing robot is for reals, we've seen videos. Rachel wants to get some incentive so people will be rewarded for building nifty things for the community. Even if it's documenting your processes, like meleeman's vtuber rig.
IRC --- Tracking idlers: rachel still wants to do it, along with some metrics so we don't have someone saying "." once a week just to toe the line.
Anniversary ----------- Wetfish is turning eighteen, on the 29th. Thinking about a house-party, ("kohp"? didn't understand the name) volunteered their house.
Land party ---------- 200 bags of leaves, maybe another 200-300. Handing out flyers to collect leaves from other people.
Kinda want to avoid using the wetfish brand, because it could be confusing if someone looks up "wetfish" and sees the software company. Rachel came up with the idea "https://Wildland.foundation"; having a generic name helps give the org legitimacy. "Sounds like something you'd use if you wanted boomers to donate" "Yes that is the plan." But also want to get participation from the disenfranchised unlanded people. You got old people who have resources they can't take care of, and young people who can be caretakers but have no land. As a non-profit it needs a board of directors, and directors who are ecologists would really help; doesn't have to be just in Colorado.
kakama might know some university people.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall (December 2023 Reminder)
Post by: rachel on December 04, 2023, 12:56:21 am
Reminder! Town hall meeting today, Monday December 4th, at 6:30 PM mountain time 😊
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on December 04, 2023, 06:17:35 pm
(i'm sick today, didn't get all the details but I got something.)
rachel needs to dig out the admin key for the mumble server so she can key admin it.
What're you bringing to the fishmas potluck? anything non-dairy?
"Is wetfish a religious organization? Dagon worshippers want to know."
Since last month, so many more bags of leaves. Sooo many.
Wetfish needs clients! 10-20% referral commission. Wetfish needs salespeople too. The public corporate webpages are worth showing off. Most of the income is software for others, but that depends on finding people who're asking for software solutions. Thinking about selling services like data hosting. Maybe selling wetfish merch, or selling the event-management software ('playasoft') as a product not a solution. The A/V budget for an event could be $25k -- just for AV! another 10^5 for just catering! Lotta money in corpo events.
Wetfish is turning 18 on Dec 29! New wetfish stickers! Glow in the dark and holograph foil! Atomicfiredoll made new fish designs, the headphones fish is popular.
Need a volunteer for the staging site for the new forums site. maybe a bounty for this work? Anomoly made a heap of paper-doll stuff that needs testing.
New wetfish uploader! now using keypair auth. Casual users can keep using their browser, turbonerds inquire within.
At the Apogea Burningman Gala, wetfish is sponsoring a table since they're using wetfish software, rachel hopes to network and get more customers. Showing off "replication studio" as an art-piece; maybe roll this into an art grant from Apogea.
New wetfish website is working. Ten new users showed up because of it.
Nature! Greenhouse on the back porch, all sensor'd and camera'd up because nerrrrrds. If the set-up works in her backyard, she's gonna deploy a second instance up on the mountain. "You gonna have temperature control?" ".... on the mountain?" Actually rachel's interest in geoengineering and beavering is kind of like temperature control.
Gotta finish doccos for server-setup.
meleeman roadtrip? Something about gofundme, or maybe a grant from wetfish? Might want to put it off to spring tho. "meleeman, you're the highest-functioning NEET we've got."
The solar eclipse is April 8th: Fishmeet!
Title: why not wet.fish
Post by: here cums the fuck truck on December 11, 2023, 09:40:33 am
something i've wondered for a long time
instead of wetfish.com why not use wet.fish
i know you own it because the GET IN TOUCH email at the bottom has a wetfish.net domain
what is the obsession with COM tld when FISH is so much more on brand??
also can't you just point the WET.FISH dns record at wetfish.net? at the very least. in my perfect world everything would run off wet.fish but that is because i believe words have a powerful aesthetic. i figure the reasoning is something along the lines of "ugh but we already have everything set up for wetfish.net and moving it would be sooooo much work"
Title: Re: why not wet.fish
Post by: rachel on December 11, 2023, 12:34:18 pm
i know you own it because the GET IN TOUCH email at the bottom has a wetfish.net domain
what is the obsession with COM tld when FISH is so much more on brand??
also can't you just point the WET.FISH dns record at wetfish.net? at the very least. in my perfect world everything would run off wet.fish but that is because i believe words have a powerful aesthetic. i figure the reasoning is something along the lines of "ugh but we already have everything set up for wetfish.net and moving it would be sooooo much work"
we don't own wetfish.com, we own wetfish.net
a wet fish is slippery and hard to catch, which is why you have to use a net
wet.fish is going to be a file upload and tiny URL service. I have been working on finishing the new uploader for the past few weeks - https://github.com/wetfish/upload
Fun fact, wet.fish can already be used as a tiny URL for wetfish. For example: https://wet.fish/froward
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on December 12, 2023, 12:17:18 am
Fun Fact!
You can go to any wiki page using wet.fish and it will redirect there!
We use these wetfish short URLs on the new website as placeholders until the new wetfish.net site has finished community, business, and nature conservation pages.
wet.fish makes sense for a file hosting site like imgur because the URL is short. It's also pretty good as a tiny URL service since it's only 7 characters.
The wetfish.net website is the main business home page that talks about what projects the wetfish community is working on, things wetfish has done professionally for other businesses, and updates from our nature conservation projects.
wiki.wetfish.net will remain the repository for long term wetfish culture and community historical knowledge
wetfishonline.com will be replaced by wetfish.world, an online MMO where you can move around your fish avatar in a virtual world (forum posting still available but more of a niche side feature)
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on January 01, 2024, 05:31:26 pm
Happy new year everyone! Today is Monday and the 1st of the month, that means today is Wetfish Town Hall day!
Nobody replied to this so I'm officially cancelling the town hall this month. If people want to continue doing it we can resume next month
Five of us showed up because we didn't know you cancelled it. =P
I looked at the logs to see who showed up last month and sent messages to everyone. I'm curious to know if they are interested in continuing the monthly meetings. Today's the day, if so!
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on April 01, 2024, 06:51:15 am
I looked at the logs to see who showed up last month and sent messages to everyone.
That suggests you sent a message to me. Where would I find it?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: here cums the fuck truck on April 01, 2024, 08:56:32 am
im definitely coming to the town hall meeting this month!
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on April 01, 2024, 06:19:21 pm
Town-hall meeting April 01
We've skipped a couple town halls, lack of interest? lack of attendance? Rachel wants some ideas how to keep the community showing up to meetings? Luke "meetings or wetfish?" Rachel "meetings." Luke: "how about a reminder-bot? just once per person on that day. PM system would be better." rothen: "and they sign-up for it?" Luke: "nah, nobody would sign up." rothen: "I hate it, but I can see why."
The new rules about no constant pity-me moaning and no schizoposting has some members return and start being active again. even woodcat!
"Using /IGNORE is like putting on a gas-mask: you're comfortable, but the fire and smoke is still going on, and you won't make any effort to put out the fire."
If someone's harassing you, drop a note in #reef.
Anomaly made wetfish forums items! and rachel is gonna pay her via Gusto.
FISHMEET 2024 NEXT WEEK (technically this week, Friday) Lake Tecsomah, (Texas? Oaklahoma? both?) on a salt-water beach. Ocean! For <s>Fishmas</s> Fishmeet! Luke is picking rothen up at the Ft. Worth airport
rothen: "y'all gonna be good and hung over for my wedding?" We'll see! Luke volunteered to be the sober one who'll talk to cops.
Operations: budget's been tight, running out of runway. But! rachel's been hustling, two new clients that are THIS >< close to signing on the dotted line. One's a mobile app for college students, the other is more space/satellite hoo-hah. Four-hundred point increase! This will beat paying the bounties out of rachel's own purse.
Nature Conservation: cut down an apple tree and hauled the wood. 1,100 BAGS OF LEAVES!!one! Went to a local beaver conference, ecologists and hydrologists and biologists oh my. Met someone who may send students to the mountain to do studies. There was a new state law that legalizes beavering (beaver-dam analogues), considered now to be "Minor stream restoration" and now she doesn't have to worry about being ratted out to the cop. rachel is beaverpunk.
More pages for the wetfish website are ready to go. More details for the bounties page -- meleeman has been chppping away at them, yam is eyeing them too. mozai: "the pastebin replacement made by emergence?" rachel: oops, hasn't been deployed yet. Fishy (ircbot) moved to the new server, more uptime with better nodejs. meleeman ugpraded the wiki from PHP 5 all the way to v8 holy hannah we're now in 2024. And RuffleJS to resurrect our flash videos & gaems!
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: tawd on April 01, 2024, 06:35:24 pm
TY im still doing work things i could not attend i appreciate the notes.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on May 06, 2024, 06:23:29 pm
May 6th meeting
fishmeet 2024 big success. dozen fish saw the eclipse in Texas, photos on the forums. meleeman updated the wiki to PHP8, waitingi on a pull-req for uploading webp files. beavering (dam-building like beavers do) are now legal in Colorado. Eva/cyphabunny is deejaying at a festival in the Utah desert, some fishes may attend. Wetfish got a grant from Apogea to craft some fiber-optic trees art, June 5-9.
New fish in the pond: an unnamed Canadian from Teeworlds, and kakama pulled someone in. ("Teeworlds?") Teeworlds is a multiplayer side-scrolling shooter. If gameservers work to recruit people, what other (open-source, self-hosted) game servers could we bring in? Stuff that will appear in global directories (ref. Gamespy) not stuff we have to tell people about first.
meeleeman: what about minetest? Mozai: that's a great way to learn Lua. Meleeman: oh god yes. rachel: but can people discover it, like a public directory?
Rachel went to Rocky Mountain R(???ap?) Festival -- biggest 3d-printing fest in the west. Rachel was passing out stickers and flyers.
Tight budget, no surprise. Had to sell some bitcoin to cover payroll. Social media mobile app project starts next month, hurrah for income.
Going to local colleges, meeting ecologists, hydrologists. Rachel's been going up the mountain with volunteers from "food not bombs" to do trail maintenance and beaver-like dams. rachels' been giving talks about reducing urban waste, and talking up the nature conservance project.
"What's the word about the eclipse photographs?" There was some drama, but rachel can contact the photographer directly and get that moving.
Mozai is committed to moving anime night to the new server by dockerizing it this month. rachel says anime night is not the last thing anchoring the old hardware, there's still testing to do before moving the new hardware in-house.
Gris managed to get in the meeting right after we ended. "I was in such a rush to get here, I slammed my thumb in a car door!"
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on May 07, 2024, 06:17:53 am
I heard that a Canadian Fishmeet might happen. Is there any truth to this?
I reached out to a friend at CSU who I thought might be interested in Wetfish's nature conservancy efforts. He said, "...Nah, I only do pre collegiate support and access to first generation/limited income students." He strikes me as the kind of person who might be interested in the project other wise though. I'll see.
A friend and I were talking last night about what I get out of Wetfish and what Wetfish is. I conveyed that it is a social outlet for me, but I wish I told her more about the sense of community I feel here.
A co-worker of mine has also expressed interest, but she's rarely on her laptop anymore. I use the element app sometimes, but I have to populate the homeserver every time I log in. I'm going to look into this and see what I can find.
Happy fishing!
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: ThePedalMan998 on May 31, 2024, 05:46:30 pm
Just wondering lads, will their be a wetfish town hall meeting tomorrow, being that tomorrow is the first of June?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on June 03, 2024, 06:43:13 am
It's that time of the month again. Y'all ready for another town hall?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on June 03, 2024, 06:44:48 am
Just wondering lads, will their be a wetfish town hall meeting tomorrow, being that tomorrow is the first of June?
Town hall meetings happen on the 1st Monday of every month at 6:30 PM mountain time. The 1st day of the month thing ended up being too difficult for people to attend since the day of week changed every month.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on June 03, 2024, 06:06:54 pm
Jun 03 meeting was a short one
Luke is using "emerald" to have wholesome conversations with strangers and telling them to come swing by wetfish. Anomaly is smokin' and drawing. Mozai has anime night in dicker*cough*docker containers.
New wetfishies showed up in the forums. Still need ideas about (open-source) game servers we can host (meleeman: "we should make a list of candidate games"). Saxton Esme and rachel went to see sibabunny to deejay in the desert. The utah crew came out to party. Apogea gave an art grant to make neon palmtress, Sean's been helping, rachel shows photos of the work.
rachel got permission to host a co-loc server in the maker space while it's testing. When it's checked-out it'll be moved to a datacentre.
Still networking with local biologists and ecologists, planted a tonne of potatoes, and schmoozing to find students to volunteer for trail-making and tree-planting.
Remember Taegan? they're going to Apogea. ("When is Apogea?") Starts two days from now, so yeah, rachel's got a day left for the palm trees.
("any new bounties turned in?") ah, no, meleeman was working on the new captcha, anomaly was going to make art for it. meleeman has a pull-request (PR) waiting for proofing to add .webp support. neptun found a bug in the 'popular' page in the wiki.
Luke made one or three new irc rooms for a Canada wetfish meetup... but it's kinda disorganized. Canada is a wide place.
In two weeks, Copt is having a killdozer party in Colorado Fri Jun 14th
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: ThePedalMan998 on June 28, 2024, 08:18:17 am
Is there a meeting this upcoming monday?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on June 28, 2024, 02:44:27 pm
Yes Monday July 1st is the next town hall meeting at 6:30 PM (mountain timezone) on mumble https://wiki.wetfish.net/mumble
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on October 06, 2024, 10:44:02 am
I won't make it to tomorrow's Wetfish Town Hall, but I thought I'd give an update on what I've been up to. 1) Since Fishmeet Canada never happened, I am proposing that we delete the channel. 2) I've stalled out on my computational biology project, but I'm still in that head space. In fact, I've fallen off on a lot of things during the summer, which seems to be a pattern for me, so I'll probably get back up and going here soon. 3) I've invited a few people to wetfish for job seeking. Tech professionals, but good people none the less. 4) I went to Dream Force in San Francisco this last month (it's Salesforce's yearly conference to show people how they can use Salesforce in the coming year). This year's focus was on (not surprisingly) AI. Working in Government with a technology that is adjacent to Salesforce (MuleSoft, which is owned by Salesforce) that I use primarily to insert data, there wasn't a lot for me there, but I had some interesting experiences none the less. 5) I'm hoping to interest some wetfish in going to Neotropolis (https://www.neotropolis.com/). Here's my thread (https://wetfishonline.com/forum/index.php?topic=3897.0) for it.
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Mozai on December 02, 2024, 09:24:05 pm
Dec 3rd meeting, what I could scribble down:
Town hall attendance is low, again. The original purpose has faded, but a regular contact event seems like a good idea. Maybe switch it to a "show and tell" event, to demonstrate what we're all working on, not just a status-of-rachel show.
Tech - Mozai built something for alerts but it's meh. Rachel wants to see a single status page like githubstatus.com. Building from scratch seems inefficient; what pre-made self-hosted tool can we use? - giving up on cleaning mumble server, let's build a new one. Jitsi? Matrix is here, but the account creation process may discourage visitors.
Outdoors - Rachel is officially a tree-farmer, she's got the state permits - doing trail-building - using Signal while on the trail, because her nature-conservation peeps using it, and people in general don't like to try new tools. Is there a Signal-to-IRC bridge? - leaves! She finds people "Nextdoor", reddit, Faceboot, etc. and offers to take it away for them. She takes 'em to the "wildfire burnscar" using the leaves as compost to protect the fresh saplings. ("they're like minecraft leaf blocks, I build walls")
Business - things have been tight for the past year and bills want to get paid - oh god, rachel's resorted to using Linked-In - need a salescreature, but we can't afford to pay a salescritter salary - what about wetfish doing event management? - creature asks "what does your ideal customer look like? and what would you be providing them?" and talks a bit about how to onboard customers, something different than rachel's usual method using request-for-proposals (RFPs)
TBH I had a killer tummyache, I missed details
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on December 02, 2024, 09:32:36 pm
I recall some talk about working with embedded systems. Whatever happened to that?
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on December 02, 2024, 09:42:38 pm
I recall some talk about working with embedded systems. Whatever happened to that?
We work on projects when people pay us to work on them. Nobody is currently paying us to work on that
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: rachel on January 04, 2025, 03:16:54 am
Wetfish Town Hall has run its course. We will no longer be doing town hall meetings, instead we've decided to change things up and do show & tell instead!
We'll still be meeting at 6:30 PM on the 1st monday of every month, but we're hoping to get more people involved sharing about the projects they're working on instead of just listening to me talk about wetfish business updates
Title: Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
Post by: Diabolizer on January 05, 2025, 02:06:56 pm
I fully support this change. The Town Hall wasn't bad, but I think that "show and tell" will do more to build the kind of community that we had hoped a Town Hall would build.