How not to use IRC

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How not to use IRC
« on: March 18, 2018, 11:58:00 pm »
This is an example of how NOT to use IRC.

21:55 -!- Oppa [[email protected]] has joined #wetfish
21:56 < Oppa> whats up my wetfish peeps!!!
21:56 < Oppa> maybe i should be more quiet...its midnight e.e
21:58 < Oppa> v.v aww no one here oh well ^.^
22:00 -!- Oppa [[email protected]] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
22:02 < Mozai> ?
22:02 < shelby> lol
22:02 < shelby> nerd
22:02 <%Fiolina> rofl
22:02 < Mozai> Dude's attention span was two minutes long.  YOu ain't gonna satisfy anybody in the bedroom if you can only last two minutes
22:02 < shelby> lol right
22:03 < Mozai> I see that on imageboards.  someones starts a thread "post all your clown porn I'll start"  posts one picture.  Then four minutes later "I guess NONE of you CARE at ALL"

What other examples of bad IRC etiquette can you think of?