1 year with qeeg

  • 22 Replies
Re: 1 year with qeeg
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2023, 01:20:40 pm »

Re: 1 year with qeeg
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2023, 04:25:20 am »
<qeeg[m]> holy SHIT that woman has tiny boobs for an adult with a snatch lol
<qeeg[m]> how the fuck she gonna breastfeed if she ever has kids?
<flare> they get bigger
<qeeg[m]> not that much bigger
<gris> i dated a girl from china whos tits were so small they were basically concave
<qeeg[m]> there ain't even fucking ROOM for mammary glands in there wtf
<gris> and she was a 36 year old woman
<qeeg[m]> gris (IRC): wtf lol
<gris> tits come in all sizes
<gris> you'll learn that when you experience relations with women some day
<gris> i believe in u qeeg
<qeeg[m]> did she like, get them removed or something?
<flare> my gf is basically completely flat
<gris> god you're fucking dense man
<qeeg[m]> flare: it would be illegal for her to be a pornstar in australia 👍️
<gris> qeeg sucks
<gris> don't be a qeeg
<i_love_women_so_much_its_unreal> good
<flare> oh yeah I heard about that law
<flare> how stupid
<i_love_women_so_much_its_unreal> qeeg you hold the opinions and experience of a 13yo boy
<flare> good thing she is not a porn star
<i_love_women_so_much_its_unreal> yes what a relief
<i_love_women_so_much_its_unreal> Go take a shower qeeg
<gris> sometimes at the samsung factory they forget to inflate them
<gris> and they send them out anyway
<i_love_women_so_much_its_unreal> Lol
<qeeg[m]> i_love_women_so_much_its_unreal (IRC): nah, i just don't see how cis women end up having literally having no tits as adults lol
<gris> and then you get them home and you can't send them back to the factory unless you want to pay shipping
<gris> its just not wrothi t
<qeeg[m]> i had c cups before hrt and i'm amab lol

i don't think qeeg knows.. anything about women.

Re: 1 year with qeeg
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2023, 04:31:17 am »
I know more about women than Ben Shapiro lol. Love me some Wet Ass P-word

Re: 1 year with qeeg
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2023, 01:40:15 pm »
Well it's been a week and I think it's time to officially conclude the results of the poll. The sentiment is unanimous - qeeg is annoying and our lives would all be better without them. However, what exactly should be done about qeeg is still up for debate. 3 people voted that we should ban qeeg and another 3 voted that despite being annoying, we should continue to tolerate their behavior.


Re: 1 year with qeeg
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2023, 02:07:59 pm »
The poll was leading and biased.  Updated poll:

Re: 1 year with qeeg
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2023, 01:39:08 pm »
Well it's been a week and I think it's time to officially conclude the results of the poll. The sentiment is unanimous - qeeg is annoying and our lives would all be better without them. However, what exactly should be done about qeeg is still up for debate. 3 people voted that we should ban qeeg and another 3 voted that despite being annoying, we should continue to tolerate their behavior.

I wouldn't call that "unanimous" when one person who wasn't even me voted for the most positive option in the poll lol. I was the one person who voted "Who?" because I thought it would be funny.

Re: 1 year with qeeg
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2023, 04:58:32 pm »
I sort of look at communities as what folks would contribute in a post apocalypse/zombie out break scenario based on their skills/attitude/proven record of anythings in life or friendships and qeeg just strikes me as the kind of person who fucks everyone over conspiring with the enemy then gets tangled up in barbed wire running away through the woods and gets eaten by zombies anyway.

really thoughtful post.

i guess the real question is: is the standard for wetfish just "anyone who's not actively horrible" or is it "people who are actually great". personally i don't contribute anything to wetfish beyond shitposts.. but is that all wetfish is, shitposts? i don't know!

the real standard of wetfish is "does rachel like them" as she tries to breed a cult of personality around herself. please weigh in rachel - do you like qeeg?

i think over the last year they've become less obnoxious and more of a known quantity. like qeeg is definitely going to weigh in with the worst opinion unironically, and that heads off anyone from doing the "worst possible take as a bit" (which is a pretty tired bit!)

so, i've grown to appreciate qeegs utility.

People who are actually great have way better things to do than spend time in an IRC with a pretty narrow area of interest.   Not making a negative judgement or something but the place is already  too gay/weeby/nerdy/programmy/furry to ever attract well rounded normal folk that would want want to stick around.  And I'm fine with that cause I give zero fucks about fantasy football leagues or the trials and tribulations of le boomer mindset/tradition.

 So I think the bar is simply people with a brain that don't fuckin suck.

I think Rachel has tolerated a few people she wasn't the fondest of till they got all extra stupid and did big no-nos.  Poomp was around for way longer than it should have been and I think as people get older and have more experiences with people they become less opened to tolerating signs that point to someone being a big problem/liability/annoyance/headache.

Like you learn to tell the signs of a piece of shit without having to pick it up out of the pool and bite into it and see if its just a Baby Ruth.   I mean I'd almost say its noble of you to put effort into defending someone who literally eats shit and doesn't even shower once a month if they can avoid it and ravenously talks about causing physical harm to trump voters and not in a joking/ironic kind of way, in a this is going to get someone put on a list kind of way for extremism. 

The shitposts are some of the best part of wetfish, its one of the few places you can find some good shitposts someone else found or made that hasn't been reposted for the 100000th time by a karma bot on reddit these days.  Shitposts are such a point of pride in this community there are bots to make comics of them.

Also don't sell yourself short, you've been super helpful when people have questions about electronics or circuitry, you're very handy even if you're a little trolly, and you have knowledge of things and a good sense of humor to contribute to the community and as a human being I wouldn't be worried about having my back to you or falling asleep around you in the zombie proof apocalypse bunker/encampment.  You are 100% one of the people that I would expect to be helping me salvage through the remains of a collapsed society to try and get our little camp some good air filtration and rigged generators going. 

Perhaps banning them isn't the right course of action if someone is looking to put the work and effort into to rehabilitating them, maybe something can be salvaged and they do some cool shit.  I really don't know. At this point if someone annoys the fucking shit out of me I just put them on an ignore timeout for a minute then circle back to it when I'm in a better position to tolerate it without getting mean since that doesn't solve anything on any end or really benefit anyone. 

It seems like they amuse you and kmbo and thats enough for me to want to change my vote cause I can just put them on ignore and tune it out when the nonsense overwhelms me.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2023, 05:10:07 pm by tawd »

Re: 1 year with qeeg
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2024, 04:47:53 pm »