Starting on Monday, January 6th we're starting a brand new type of community event—Show & Tell!
During the Wetfish Town Hall meeting last month we discussed ways to get more people involved in the community instead of just giving monthly progress updates on Wetfish business operations. We decided that it would be more fun to get the community together to talk about the projects we've been working on. This doesn't just mean wetfish projects, but anything you've been working on in your free time.
For example, I've been working on building a greenhouse in my back yard, libfud designed and built his own bed from scratch, Luke has been doing stand-up comedy, and meleeman has been writing open source vtuber software.
Since the goal is to show and not just tell, we're going to be moving to Jitsi instead of Mumble. Jitsi has video and screen sharing capabilities so we can show off the projects we've been working on IRL and on our computers. and goos are currently working on migrating Wetfish to new server infrastructure, so hopefully by next month we'll be able to use our own self-hosted Jitsi instance. But for now we'll just be using the Jitsi website.
Join us for show & tell!Monday, January 6th @ 6:30 PM mountain time, 8:30 PM eastern time(1 hour before anime night)Have an idea for something you'd like to share with the community? Post about it in this thread!