Brain thread

  • 1 Replies
Brain thread
« on: September 28, 2017, 05:46:34 pm »
My friend has an unknown brain condition that has progressively been impacting her ability to move her muscles. She slowly lost the ability to control her legs and now it's working its way up the rest of her body. None of her doctors know what it is but they've determined it isn't MS or any other common medical condition. Here are some brain scans. Any neurologists know what's up?


Re: Brain thread
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2017, 06:37:27 am »
I have no answer, and I am sorry that her doctor's are unable to diagnose. I saw the pictures before reading the thread and assumed abscess or tumor in the brain, but I am nothing related to a neurologist.

But this is a brain thread afterall, and I wanted to share one of my favorite videos about them;