whenever i talk about teslas to people i love love love getting them to guess where the manual release handle for the back seat door is.
on one its behind a speaker grill (you have to lever the grill out with a screwdriver?)
on one its under a floor mat
third i forget
none of them have any markings to let you know.
anyway has anyone been following elon's twitter takeover? he decided to buy twitter for *way* more per share than it was worth (at the time), waived all background/research/diligence - signed paperwork to start the buy process. used his tesla stock to leverage a loan - on this news, tesla stock fell like 15%. if the tesla stock falls below a certain price, the bank comes to collect on the stock (or the cash loan amount) immediately.
elon for a while was trying to back out, saying "UHHHH ACTUALLY ONLY LIEK 5% OF TWITTER USERS ARE ACTUALLY PEOPLE SO I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO BUY THIS" and 1) twitter published that number months ago 2) he waived background lol so even if twitter actually lied to him, it wouldn't matter 3) legally he can't back out. however twitter can choose to axe the buy - if they do, he has to pay them
one billion dollars cashalso someone asked him if he really sexually assaulted a private jet steward 10 years ago and settle it for $250k and not only did he confirm it but he probably violated the terms of the settlement by talking about it.
he's so fuckin stupid lol