late last night i was told that since i have been racist against white people, my own arguments against slurs and my emotions regarding their use are no longer valid, and presumably, are not welcome.
anyway here's an article on why hating nazis isn't the same as hating black people. i think it covers it pretty well.
i'm pretty dumbfounded how this is even an issue
it's a slur. slurs have a nasty history.
also rachel's chat log cuts out the bit where snek says "hey hyrulean is the only black person here if HE HAS A PROBLEM with it, I'll stop using it!" and hyrulean says, right in that chat, above! "hey i don't like reading it! ever!" and yet THIS STILL ISN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU PEOPLE
The only line that mentions prejudice betweens Nazi's and Black's is
Prejudice against Nazis is not the same as prejudice against Blacks, because one is based on people?s stated opposition to their neighbors? lives and safety, the other on a characteristic that has nothing to do with whether they?ll live in peace with you or not.
Ignoring how the entire article is ambiguous in every direction it tries to pull you in, makes hyperbolic points, or completely ignores the whole story when it's convenient to relate it to current context lets get down to what it does mention as you apparently took it to be the word of God in this matter:
It says you don't need to be absolutely tolerant of someone else and to do so would be renouncing the rights you have as a person. It says to see two people being together who may not completely like each other or see eye-to-eye as a peace-treaty until that is breached. It also says when the treaty is breached fighting back proportionally is an answer but answering the same way the treaty was broken is just as bad as what they did and serves no purpose. It also says when you respond to someone breaking of the treaty it needs to be in a way that helps to restore the peace.
It didn't start with Snek saying that word, it started with you being offended at someone with different views and then retaliating when it was pointed out and then you creating an situation that was even more antagonizing.
You're also apparently missing other things Hyrulean said regarding the matter to boost your own point, but I guess you got that tactic from the previously mentioned article.