With PerlOnRails.js, you can build a fully-featured[1] website in just 10 minutes:
* Install the framework (and our custom package manager (and specific versions of 23 libraries...))
* Create a new project with a convenient shell script that takes a variety of poorly-documented options.
* Now it's time to write your project's config file, which uses a concise DSL that we invented. With just a few weeks of practice, the quirks of this language will begin to feel intuitive!
* Declare your schema in yet another DSL that is Turing-complete but not in the way you'd want. It combines the best ideas from CSS, Erlang, and game theory. Appropriate SQL statements and HTML templates will be generated automatically!
* Our paradigm doesn't support editing those HTML templates, but you don't have to because you can fix (almost) everything in CSS! For example, to style a user's name, use the CSS selector ".model_USER_namef". There's a good reason for the "f" at the end, which you'll learn someday.
* Finally, run your server locally by executing the "start_server" command. Wasn't that quick and easy? Note that start_server is single-threaded and uses an in-memory database, so it's only suitable for testing. We'll discuss the possibility of deploying to production in a future blog post.
(1: Some features may be missing, including XSS protection, support for the browser's "back" button, and the ability to implement non-trivial logic.)