VRChat, Second Life, Metaverse shit

  • 3 Replies
VRChat, Second Life, Metaverse shit
« on: December 26, 2021, 12:56:52 pm »
Curious what people think about VR/AR worlds.

I tried messing around with VRChat again recently. I can't believe how user-unfriendly it is just to put on a custom avatar. Creating one from scratch or writing custom behavior must be a massive pain in the ass. Second Life was similar last time I tried it out. As it is today, there's no chance the average person is going to engage with this crap. Even spectating is painful. Most VR streams I've seen have this horrible viewport jitter, as if you were looking through the eyes of someone having convulsions.

Facebook will apply actual UX to their products which I predict will be a massive advantage over VRChat and SL. Facebook will attempt to own the platform, but let people buy/sell content, and try to characterize it as open and free.

Is there a truly open version of VRChat and SL that I'm missing? Something a little more elegant and accesible to users, developers, content creators?

What is https://bit.country ?
o bb

Re: VRChat, Second Life, Metaverse shit
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2021, 02:01:29 pm »
What's the mission of Facebook Meta's VR product?  Is it good VR? Is it good user experience?

Minecraft was not the best Infinminer knock-off, and yet...

Re: VRChat, Second Life, Metaverse shit
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2021, 02:16:06 pm »
I hope we get something like this:
aka luke

Re: VRChat, Second Life, Metaverse shit
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2021, 02:42:36 pm »
I wonder how much Linden Labs are seething when they see Roblox getting more moneys than Second Life.

God, I remember when Second Life started, and there was talk about a VRML to go with HTML.