2023-11-06 post-Burning-Man
We had some guests but they were too shy to talk on voice chat.
What'd you think of the weird depressed catholic "Anonymous" guy? With
the "evil is increasing" because of jaywalking? Came to wetfish to
warn us about some dude they were stalking, some dude who isn't here.
- "I welcome new chatter."
- "TBF, jaywalking is a breakdown of social order." Jaywalking is
corporate propaganda.
- "are we sure they're not a bot?" "People should post dick pics to
prove they're not a bot." "What about showing up to town hall meetings?"
"I give it three years before bots invade voice chats."
Got feedback, mobile looks good but the destkop version was accused of
"big font for boomers". It's automated with github actions and docker
images, CI/CD baybee. There's hooks for other projects too for things
like wetfish pastebin. New biz cards in the style of the new website.
"wetfish.com" is $16,000. not paying that.
Went to a Burn-After meeting to present on the volunteer management
database. Got a bunch of interested parties, schmoozing, could be a
lotta new contacts/customers. Finding out the paperwork to create
a non-profit corporation.
Rachel is getting hungry enough to make her Linked-In profile less
jokey. Maybe %-points (5?) for bringing new business in. Check
https://wiki.wetfish.net/business If you have the skills for connecting
us, that's worth it. "Have you considered 15%?" That sounds insane at
first, but that's what it takes to get a useful sales sociopath...
"What counts as bringing in new business?" "If they say you're
the reason they're buying from us."
"How much business can you handle?" We have six part-timers.
"What's an ideal client?" Something that is not military, or oil
barons. I like charities but charities can't afford to hire people.
Someone who can afford to pay a fixed-rate every month. "Have you
considered fintech?" ...that's rachel's day-job, soooooo yeah.
Still need to write devops documentation.
Meleeman is still tryin' to upgrade PHP for teh websitez; hurrah for
breaking changes between 5 -> 7. The register page never worked, can
we just drop it? "Yes, but keep the login page, we use it for admin."
Project bounties
Would like a showcase for projects built by wetfish participants, like
our human-sized hamster wheel, or Kate's beer-pong robot. Yes, kate's
beer-pong playing robot is for reals, we've seen videos. Rachel wants
to get some incentive so people will be rewarded for building nifty
things for the community. Even if it's documenting your processes,
like meleeman's vtuber rig.
Tracking idlers: rachel still wants to do it, along with some metrics
so we don't have someone saying "." once a week just to toe the line.
Wetfish is turning eighteen, on the 29th. Thinking about a house-party,
("kohp"? didn't understand the name) volunteered their house.
Land party
200 bags of leaves, maybe another 200-300. Handing out flyers to collect
leaves from other people.
Kinda want to avoid using the wetfish brand, because it could be confusing
if someone looks up "wetfish" and sees the software company. Rachel came
up with the idea "
https://Wildland.foundation"; having a generic name
helps give the org legitimacy. "Sounds like something you'd use if you
wanted boomers to donate" "Yes that is the plan." But also want to
get participation from the disenfranchised unlanded people. You got old
people who have resources they can't take care of, and young people who
can be caretakers but have no land. As a non-profit it needs a board
of directors, and directors who are ecologists would really help; doesn't
have to be just in Colorado.
kakama might know some university people.