Wetfish Town Hall Meeting

  • 100 Replies
Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #75 on: September 16, 2023, 06:09:23 am »
if there were a web client [for Mumble voice chat] that made it *super* easy to get on with no downloaded client, more people would probably join, especially for anime night

We tried voice chat for anime night a long time ago, and it did not work well: people talking over the show, people forgetting to turn off their mics ("auto-detect speaking" will pick up the sound from the show), and people watching the show are slightly out-of-synch while text-chat's slight delay smooths that out. 

OTOH, the new 'sync' software should fix the out-of-synch problem, and we could teach people to use push-to-talk.  We could try again, but I have concerns about scaling up past a dozen people.

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #76 on: September 21, 2023, 04:38:14 am »
Luke: are we gonna get rid of 'coral' [our in-game currency] because capitalism is kinda offensive."  rachel brought up that the bounty
system for incentives is even more of that, should we disassemble that first?  commie framed it as attraction vs incentives.

As an addendum, I think bounties are perfectly reasonable, given that Wetfish needs work done and rachel doesn't have time to do it all.  Not mentioned, is my objection to referral bonuses.  I can't quite articulate why these give me an ick feeling, but I don't think less of anyone who is in favor of them.  Finally, my support for choral is in part based on the idea that it's not real capitalism, it's just a game.  But rachel has asked me to expand on the idea of how our choral system mocks capitalism (and by extension consumerism).  As a grizzled culture jammer from the late 90s and early 2000s, I feel like this is my mandatory unretirement scene.

Special nine-eleventy meeting.

The meeting was offset one week because Burning Man distracted us.

Chat community

dlarge used his new moderator powers to ban someone for the first time. rachel asked for a debrief.  the co-moderator standard abandoned their post because "someone paid us a thousand dollars to leave wetfish."

rachel pruned the inactive accounts from matrix, but there are still inactive idlers on IRC.  some suggested to just hang up on everyone, see who reconnects.  rachel points out many people have software that auto- reconnects.  "One dude I slept with twelve years ago and they're still idling here, haven't said anything in _years_." kate: "we don't want to ban people, we want them to engage with the community a bit to prove they want to be here." someone: "what about, like, a text captcha when they rejoin?"  kate: "that will take a lot of work, building and testing."
proposal: use eevee's "seen" database to track idlers (talk to goos)

commie would like it if people hung out in mumble more often to keep them company while they're at work.

Burning Man

rachel and anomaly went to Black Rock City.  saw three diff people wearing wetfish merch from last year.  rachel hosted a solar-powered LAN party, a Starcraft tournament (commie was so mad jelly they started swearing when they heard this).

Swifty and Saxton helped rachel build a food truck w/ a solar-powered kitchen for the campsite.  She's looking into doing food truckery for real, with permits and stuff, not just LARPing in the desert. burritos and stuff, easier for "Food Not Bombs" work without being an unwashed anarchist.

Nature conservancy

Rachel met with "One Canopy" a reforestation nursery, getting trees to plant up in the mountains.  One Canopy needs volunteers like five people to work in the greenhouse.

She's looking for custom-printed lawn bags to gather leaves.  Alibaba sells them for minimum of 5,000 bags in one order, so maybe not this year. Luke offered to manage a GoFundMe for the purchase.

Business operations

Matrix host physically moved to a new datacentre which caused an outage for 12 hours, surprise! yikes.  Thankfully this was only one basket for our wetfish eggs.

New wetfish website w/ svelte framework is coming along, maybe launch before next month.  kate asked "why svelte?"  rachel "it's new, I want to learn, and it compiles to a static site instead of chewing server or client cpu on rendering"

Last month meleeman got paid a bounty for riding the captcha. emergence has her pastebin ready for another bounty, just needs to be dockerized; Mozai asked to sit-in on that to dockerize anime night

Luke: are we gonna get rid of 'coral' [our in-game currency] because capitalism is kinda offensive."  rachel brought up that the bounty
system for incentives is even more of that, should we disassemble that first?  commie framed it as attraction vs incentives.

Final notes

Tomorrow is Taco Bell Taco Tuesday, y'all.  commie is getting better about tacos, deep-frying the tortilla, they're like better chalupas.
aka luke

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #77 on: November 06, 2023, 06:40:09 pm »
2023-11-06 post-Burning-Man

We had some guests but they were too shy to talk on voice chat.

What'd you think of the weird depressed catholic "Anonymous" guy?  With
the "evil is increasing" because of jaywalking?  Came to wetfish to
warn us about some dude they were stalking, some dude who isn't here.
- "I welcome new chatter."
- "TBF, jaywalking is a breakdown of social order." Jaywalking is
  corporate propaganda.
- "are we sure they're not a bot?"  "People should post dick pics to
  prove they're not a bot."  "What about showing up to town hall meetings?"
  "I give it three years before bots invade voice chats."

Got feedback, mobile looks good but  the destkop version was accused of
"big font for boomers".  It's automated with github actions and docker
images, CI/CD baybee.  There's hooks for other projects too for things
like wetfish pastebin.  New biz cards in the style of the new website.

"wetfish.com" is $16,000.  not paying that.

Went to a Burn-After meeting to present on the volunteer management
database.  Got a bunch of interested parties, schmoozing, could be a
lotta new contacts/customers.  Finding out the paperwork to create
a non-profit corporation.

Rachel is getting hungry enough to make her Linked-In profile less
jokey.  Maybe %-points (5?) for bringing new business in.  Check
https://wiki.wetfish.net/business  If you have the skills for connecting
us, that's worth it.  "Have you considered 15%?" That sounds insane at
first, but that's what it takes to get a useful sales sociopath...

"What counts as bringing in new business?"  "If they say you're
the reason they're buying from us."

"How much business can you handle?"  We have six part-timers.

"What's an ideal client?"  Something that is not military, or oil
barons.  I like charities but charities can't afford to hire people.
Someone who can afford to pay a fixed-rate every month.  "Have you
considered fintech?" ...that's rachel's day-job, soooooo yeah.

Still need to write devops documentation.

Meleeman is still tryin' to upgrade PHP for teh websitez; hurrah for
breaking changes between 5 -> 7.  The register page never worked, can
we just drop it?  "Yes, but keep the login page, we use it for admin."

Project bounties
Would like a showcase for projects built by wetfish participants, like
our human-sized hamster wheel, or Kate's beer-pong robot.  Yes, kate's
beer-pong playing robot is for reals, we've seen videos.  Rachel wants
to get some incentive so people will be rewarded for building nifty
things for the community.  Even if it's documenting your processes,
like meleeman's vtuber rig.

Tracking idlers:  rachel still wants to do it, along with some metrics
so we don't have someone saying "." once a week just to toe the line.

Wetfish is turning eighteen, on the 29th.  Thinking about a house-party,
("kohp"? didn't understand the name) volunteered their house.

Land party
200 bags of leaves, maybe another 200-300.  Handing out flyers to collect
leaves from other people.

Kinda want to avoid using the wetfish brand, because it could be confusing
if someone looks up "wetfish" and sees the software company.  Rachel came
up with the idea "https://Wildland.foundation"; having a generic name
helps give the org legitimacy.  "Sounds like something you'd use if you
wanted boomers to donate"  "Yes that is the plan."  But also want to
get participation from the disenfranchised unlanded people.  You got old
people who have resources they can't take care of, and young people who
can be caretakers but have no land.  As a non-profit it needs a board
of directors, and directors who are ecologists would really help; doesn't
have to be just in Colorado.

kakama might know some university people.

Re: Wetfish Town Hall (December 2023 Reminder)
« Reply #78 on: December 04, 2023, 12:56:21 am »
Reminder! Town hall meeting today, Monday December 4th, at 6:30 PM mountain time 😊

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #79 on: December 04, 2023, 06:17:35 pm »
(i'm sick today, didn't get all the details but I got something.)


rachel needs to dig out the admin key for the mumble server so she can key admin it.

What're you bringing to the fishmas potluck?  anything non-dairy?

"Is wetfish a religious organization?  Dagon worshippers want to know."

Since last month, so many more bags of leaves.  Sooo many.

Wetfish needs clients! 10-20% referral commission.  Wetfish needs salespeople too.  The public corporate webpages are worth showing off. Most of the income is software for others, but that depends on finding people who're asking for software solutions.  Thinking about selling services like data hosting.  Maybe selling wetfish merch, or selling the event-management software ('playasoft') as a product not a solution. The A/V budget for an event could be $25k -- just for AV!  another 10^5 for just catering!  Lotta money in corpo events.

Wetfish is turning 18 on Dec 29!  New wetfish stickers!  Glow in the dark and holograph foil!  Atomicfiredoll made new fish designs, the headphones fish is popular.

Need a volunteer for the staging site for the new forums site.  maybe a bounty for this work?  Anomoly made a heap of paper-doll stuff that needs testing.

New wetfish uploader!  now using keypair auth.  Casual users can keep using their browser, turbonerds inquire within.

At the Apogea Burningman Gala, wetfish is sponsoring a table since they're using wetfish software, rachel hopes to network and get more customers. Showing off "replication studio" as an art-piece; maybe roll this into an art grant from Apogea.

New wetfish website is working.  Ten new users showed up because of it.

Nature!  Greenhouse on the back porch, all sensor'd and camera'd up because nerrrrrds.  If the set-up works in her backyard, she's gonna deploy a second instance up on the mountain.  "You gonna have temperature control?"  ".... on the mountain?"  Actually rachel's interest in geoengineering and beavering is kind of like temperature control.

Gotta finish doccos for server-setup.

meleeman roadtrip? Something about gofundme, or maybe a grant from wetfish? Might want to put it off to spring tho.  "meleeman, you're the highest-functioning NEET we've got."

The solar eclipse is April 8th: Fishmeet!
« Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 06:39:14 pm by Mozai »

why not wet.fish
« Reply #80 on: December 11, 2023, 09:40:33 am »
something i've wondered for a long time

instead of wetfish.com why not use wet.fish

i know you own it because the GET IN TOUCH email at the bottom has a wetfish.net domain

what is the obsession with COM tld when FISH is so much more on brand??

also can't you just point the WET.FISH dns record at wetfish.net? at the very least. in my perfect world everything would run off wet.fish but that is because i believe words have a powerful aesthetic. i figure the reasoning is something along the lines of "ugh but we already have everything set up for wetfish.net and moving it would be sooooo much work"

Re: why not wet.fish
« Reply #81 on: December 11, 2023, 12:34:18 pm »
something i've wondered for a long time

instead of wetfish.com why not use wet.fish

i know you own it because the GET IN TOUCH email at the bottom has a wetfish.net domain

what is the obsession with COM tld when FISH is so much more on brand??

also can't you just point the WET.FISH dns record at wetfish.net? at the very least. in my perfect world everything would run off wet.fish but that is because i believe words have a powerful aesthetic. i figure the reasoning is something along the lines of "ugh but we already have everything set up for wetfish.net and moving it would be sooooo much work"

we don't own wetfish.com, we own wetfish.net

a wet fish is slippery and hard to catch, which is why you have to use a net

wet.fish is going to be a file upload and tiny URL service. I have been working on finishing the new uploader for the past few weeks - https://github.com/wetfish/upload

Fun fact, wet.fish can already be used as a tiny URL for wetfish. For example: https://wet.fish/froward

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #82 on: December 12, 2023, 12:17:18 am »
Fun Fact!

You can go to any wiki page using wet.fish and it will redirect there!

- https://wet.fish/cum
- https://wet.fish/wiki
- https://wet.fish/community

We use these wetfish short URLs on the new website as placeholders until the new wetfish.net site has finished community, business, and nature conservation pages.

wet.fish makes sense for a file hosting site like imgur because the URL is short. It's also pretty good as a tiny URL service since it's only 7 characters.

The wetfish.net website is the main business home page that talks about what projects the wetfish community is working on, things wetfish has done professionally for other businesses, and updates from our nature conservation projects.

wiki.wetfish.net will remain the repository for long term wetfish culture and community historical knowledge

wetfishonline.com will be replaced by wetfish.world, an online MMO where you can move around your fish avatar in a virtual world (forum posting still available but more of a niche side feature)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2023, 12:23:34 am by rachel »

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #83 on: January 01, 2024, 05:31:26 pm »
Happy new year everyone! Today is Monday and the 1st of the month, that means today is Wetfish Town Hall day!


Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #84 on: March 01, 2024, 03:42:47 pm »
Attendance has been pretty low for the past couple months. Do people still want to do town hall meetings?

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #85 on: March 04, 2024, 05:33:48 pm »
Nobody replied to this so I'm officially cancelling the town hall this month. If people want to continue doing it we can resume next month

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #86 on: March 04, 2024, 05:40:36 pm »
Nobody replied to this so I'm officially cancelling the town hall this month. If people want to continue doing it we can resume next month

Five of us showed up because we didn't know you cancelled it.  =P

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #87 on: April 01, 2024, 01:50:46 am »
Happy April Fool's day everyone. Who wants to do a wetfish town hall meeting today?

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #88 on: April 01, 2024, 01:54:19 am »
Nobody replied to this so I'm officially cancelling the town hall this month. If people want to continue doing it we can resume next month

Five of us showed up because we didn't know you cancelled it.  =P

I looked at the logs to see who showed up last month and sent messages to everyone. I'm curious to know if they are interested in continuing the monthly meetings. Today's the day, if so!

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #89 on: April 01, 2024, 06:51:15 am »
I looked at the logs to see who showed up last month and sent messages to everyone.

That suggests you sent a message to me.  Where would I find it?