Wetfish Town Hall Meeting

  • 106 Replies
Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #90 on: April 01, 2024, 08:56:32 am »
im definitely coming to the town hall meeting this month!

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #91 on: April 01, 2024, 06:19:21 pm »
Town-hall meeting April 01

We've skipped a couple town halls, lack of interest? lack of attendance?
Rachel wants some ideas how to keep the community showing up to meetings?
Luke "meetings or wetfish?"  Rachel "meetings."  Luke: "how about a
reminder-bot? just once per person on that day.  PM system would be
better." rothen: "and they sign-up for it?"  Luke: "nah, nobody would
sign up." rothen: "I hate it, but I can see why."

The new rules about no constant pity-me moaning and no schizoposting
has some members return and start being active again.  even woodcat!

"Using /IGNORE is like putting on a gas-mask: you're comfortable, but
the fire and smoke is still going on, and you won't make any effort to
put out the fire."

If someone's harassing you, drop a note in #reef.

Anomaly made wetfish forums items!  and rachel is gonna pay her via Gusto.

FISHMEET 2024 NEXT WEEK (technically this week, Friday)  Lake
Tecsomah, (Texas? Oaklahoma? both?) on a salt-water beach.  Ocean!
For <s>Fishmas</s> Fishmeet!  Luke is picking rothen up at the Ft. Worth

rothen: "y'all gonna be good and hung over for my wedding?"  We'll see!
Luke volunteered to be the sober one who'll talk to cops.

Operations:  budget's been tight, running out of runway.  But! 
rachel's been hustling, two new clients that are THIS >< close to
signing on the dotted line.  One's a mobile app for college students,
the other is more space/satellite hoo-hah.  Four-hundred point increase!
This will beat paying the bounties out of rachel's own purse.

Nature Conservation:  cut down an apple tree and hauled the wood.
1,100 BAGS OF LEAVES!!one!  Went to a local beaver conference, ecologists
and hydrologists and biologists oh my.  Met someone who may send students
to the mountain to do studies.  There was a new state law that legalizes
beavering (beaver-dam analogues), considered now to be "Minor stream
restoration" and now she doesn't have to worry about being ratted out
to the cop.  rachel is beaverpunk.

More pages for the wetfish website are ready to go.  More details for
the bounties page -- meleeman has been chppping away at them, yam is
eyeing them too.  mozai: "the pastebin replacement made by emergence?"
rachel: oops, hasn't been deployed yet.  Fishy (ircbot) moved to the new
server, more uptime with better nodejs.  meleeman ugpraded the wiki from
PHP 5 all the way to v8 holy hannah we're now in 2024.  And RuffleJS to
resurrect our flash videos & gaems!


Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #92 on: April 01, 2024, 06:35:24 pm »
TY im still doing work things i could not attend i appreciate the notes.

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #93 on: May 06, 2024, 06:23:29 pm »
May 6th meeting


fishmeet 2024 big success.  dozen fish saw the eclipse in Texas, photos on the forums.  meleeman updated the wiki to PHP8, waitingi on a pull-req for uploading webp files.  beavering (dam-building like beavers do) are now legal in Colorado.  Eva/cyphabunny is deejaying at a festival in the Utah desert, some fishes may attend.  Wetfish got a grant from Apogea to craft some fiber-optic trees art, June 5-9.

New fish in the pond: an unnamed Canadian from Teeworlds, and kakama pulled someone in.  ("Teeworlds?")  Teeworlds is a multiplayer side-scrolling shooter.  If gameservers work to recruit people, what other (open-source, self-hosted) game servers could we bring in?  Stuff that will appear in global directories (ref. Gamespy) not stuff we have to tell people about first.

meeleeman: what about minetest?  Mozai: that's a great way to learn Lua. Meleeman: oh god yes.  rachel: but can people discover it, like a public directory?

Rachel went to Rocky Mountain R(???ap?) Festival -- biggest 3d-printing fest in the west.  Rachel was passing out stickers and flyers.


Tight budget, no surprise.  Had to sell some bitcoin to cover payroll. Social media mobile app project starts next month, hurrah for income.


Going to local colleges, meeting ecologists, hydrologists.  Rachel's been going up the mountain with volunteers from "food not bombs" to do trail maintenance and beaver-like dams.  rachels' been giving talks about reducing urban waste, and talking up the nature conservance project.

"What's the word about the eclipse photographs?"  There was some drama, but rachel can contact the photographer directly and get that moving.

Mozai is committed to moving anime night to the new server by dockerizing it this month.  rachel says anime night is not the last thing anchoring the old hardware, there's still testing to do before moving the new hardware in-house.


Gris managed to get in the meeting right after we ended.  "I was in such a rush to get here, I slammed my thumb in a car door!"

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #94 on: May 07, 2024, 06:17:53 am »
I heard that a Canadian Fishmeet might happen.  Is there any truth to this?

I reached out to a friend at CSU who I thought might be interested in Wetfish's nature conservancy efforts.  He said, "...Nah, I only do pre collegiate support and access to first generation/limited income students."  He strikes me as the kind of person who might be interested in the project other wise though.  I'll see.

A friend and I were talking last night about what I get out of Wetfish and what Wetfish is.  I conveyed that it is a social outlet for me, but I wish I told her more about the sense of community I feel here.

A co-worker of mine has also expressed interest, but she's rarely on her laptop anymore.  I use the element app sometimes, but I have to populate the homeserver every time I log in.  I'm going to look into this and see what I can find.

Happy fishing!
aka luke

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #95 on: May 31, 2024, 05:46:30 pm »
Just wondering lads, will their be a wetfish town hall meeting tomorrow, being that tomorrow is the first of June?

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #96 on: June 03, 2024, 06:43:13 am »
It's that time of the month again. Y'all ready for another town hall?

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #97 on: June 03, 2024, 06:44:48 am »
Just wondering lads, will their be a wetfish town hall meeting tomorrow, being that tomorrow is the first of June?

Town hall meetings happen on the 1st Monday of every month at 6:30 PM mountain time. The 1st day of the month thing ended up being too difficult for people to attend since the day of week changed every month.

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #98 on: June 03, 2024, 06:06:54 pm »
Jun 03 meeting was a short one

Luke is using "emerald" to have wholesome conversations with strangers and telling them to come swing by wetfish.  Anomaly is smokin' and drawing. Mozai has anime night in dicker*cough*docker containers.

New wetfishies showed up in the forums.  Still need ideas about (open-source) game servers we can host (meleeman: "we should make a list of candidate games").  Saxton Esme and rachel went to see sibabunny to deejay in the desert.  The utah crew came out to party.  Apogea gave an art grant to make neon palmtress, Sean's been helping, rachel shows
photos of the work.

rachel got permission to host a co-loc server in the maker space while it's testing.  When it's checked-out it'll be moved to a datacentre.

Still networking with local biologists and ecologists, planted a tonne of potatoes, and schmoozing to find students to volunteer for trail-making and tree-planting.

Remember Taegan?  they're going to Apogea.  ("When is Apogea?")  Starts two days from now, so yeah, rachel's got a day left for the palm trees.

("any new bounties turned in?") ah, no, meleeman was working on the new captcha, anomaly was going to make art for it.  meleeman has a pull-request (PR) waiting for proofing to add .webp support. neptun found a bug in the 'popular' page in the wiki.

Luke made one or three new irc rooms for a Canada wetfish meetup... but it's kinda disorganized.  Canada is a wide place.

In two weeks, Copt is having a killdozer party in Colorado Fri Jun 14th

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #99 on: June 28, 2024, 08:18:17 am »
Is there a meeting this upcoming monday?

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #100 on: June 28, 2024, 02:44:27 pm »
Is there a meeting this upcoming monday?

Yes Monday July 1st is the next town hall meeting at 6:30 PM (mountain timezone) on mumble https://wiki.wetfish.net/mumble

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #101 on: October 06, 2024, 10:44:02 am »
I won't make it to tomorrow's Wetfish Town Hall, but I thought I'd give an update on what I've been up to.
1) Since Fishmeet Canada never happened, I am proposing that we delete the channel.
2) I've stalled out on my computational biology project, but I'm still in that head space.  In fact, I've fallen off on a lot of things during the summer, which seems to be a pattern for me, so I'll probably get back up and going here soon.
3) I've invited a few people to wetfish for job seeking.  Tech professionals, but good people none the less.
4) I went to Dream Force in San Francisco this last month (it's Salesforce's yearly conference to show people how they can use Salesforce in the coming year).  This year's focus was on (not surprisingly) AI.  Working in Government with a technology that is adjacent to Salesforce (MuleSoft, which is owned by Salesforce) that I use primarily to insert data, there wasn't a lot for me there, but I had some interesting experiences none the less.
5) I'm hoping to interest some wetfish in going to Neotropolis.  Here's my thread for it.


aka luke

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #102 on: December 02, 2024, 09:24:05 pm »
Dec 3rd meeting, what I could scribble down:

Town hall attendance is low, again.  The original purpose has faded, but a regular contact event seems like a good idea.  Maybe switch it to a "show and tell" event, to demonstrate what we're all working on, not just a status-of-rachel show.

- Mozai built something for alerts but it's meh.  Rachel wants to see a single status page like githubstatus.com. Building
  from scratch seems inefficient; what pre-made self-hosted tool can we use?
- giving up on cleaning mumble server, let's build a new one.  Jitsi?  Matrix is here, but the account creation process may discourage visitors.

- Rachel is officially a tree-farmer, she's got the state permits
- doing trail-building
- using Signal while on the trail, because her nature-conservation peeps using it, and people in general don't like to try new tools. Is there a Signal-to-IRC bridge?
- leaves!  She finds people "Nextdoor", reddit, Faceboot, etc. and offers to take it away for them.  She takes 'em to the "wildfire burnscar" using the leaves as compost to protect the fresh saplings.  ("they're like minecraft leaf blocks, I build walls")

- things have been tight for the past year and bills want to get paid
- oh god, rachel's resorted to using Linked-In
- need a salescreature, but we can't afford to pay a salescritter salary
- what about wetfish doing event management?
- creature asks "what does your ideal customer look like? and what would you be providing them?" and talks a bit about how to onboard customers, something different than rachel's usual method using request-for-proposals (RFPs)

TBH I had a killer tummyache, I missed details

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #103 on: December 02, 2024, 09:32:36 pm »
I recall some talk about working with embedded systems.  Whatever happened to that?
aka luke

Re: Wetfish Town Hall Meeting
« Reply #104 on: December 02, 2024, 09:42:38 pm »
I recall some talk about working with embedded systems.  Whatever happened to that?

We work on projects when people pay us to work on them. Nobody is currently paying us to work on that