Is standard promoting division in the community?

  • 12 Replies
Is standard promoting division in the community?
« on: June 21, 2022, 10:42:50 am »
A few users have come to me with concerns that the new user* named standard has been stirring up drama in the chat and making people feel unwelcome.

Wetfish is supposed to be a place of harmony and unity. When certain users push others away, it's a situation that we should carefully consider. What is the direction we want Wetfish to take? What kinds of conversations do we want to encourage?

Edit: * New user = Standard joined Wetfish approx 6 months ago
« Last Edit: June 21, 2022, 10:49:41 am by rachel »

standard's Avatar


Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2022, 10:50:31 am »
(sam, lara) When a disparity between two groups exist, it's common for there to be a culture of avoiding the discussion of that disparity.

(lara) in race relations, it's commonly referred to as white fragility! it goes something like this:

"Hey did you know that Jim Crow laws didn't go away, it just transformed into other things like different sentencing requirements for crack cocaine vs regular cocaine"

"Dude why do you have to bring race into this, why are you dividing us, i don't see color [and so on]"

"Man, it seems like being Asian is harder than being white in America"

"Dude why can't you just be happy with what you have"

(van) You can't fix class or race issues by *not* talking about it. Avoiding discussion of it doesn't make it go away!

Our friends who are on the verge of homelessness - just because nobody points out the imbalance of happiness, well-being, and safety in our relationships, it doesn't make it go away!

Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2022, 11:00:19 am »
imo standard is cool

Wetfish is not very diverse overall and it can become an echo chamber at times. We need users who shake things up.

Perhaps at times we should have closer moderation to ensure things don’t go off the rails. I think standard generally engages in good faith and does not directly promote division. Largely, standard asks people to question their assumptions and that is a healthy thing to do.

standard's Avatar


Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2022, 11:04:10 am »

When a person points out that the homeless or the global poor exist, and that there is already a great imbalance of wealth, they're promoting unity especially when they're encouraging the haves to help the have-nots in a reasonable way.

"Hey, you have $30,000,000 and that driver delivering your food is making below minimum wage. Why not a $7 tip to bring them to that?"

That's not promoting division, that's promoting unity! You're encouraging the person to see another fellow person,,, as a person!


"Promoting division" is a phrase that's supposed to be used when someone lies about another group. When a right-wing politician repeats lies about refugees or immigrants, they're promoting division between Americans and potential Americans. When someone with a disability is being mocked, and "jokes" are made about their inhumanity, that's promoting division!

Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2022, 11:14:25 am »
i like standard.  When they're being annoying just tell them.


Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2022, 12:27:21 pm »
A few users have come to me with concerns that the new user* named standard has been stirring up drama in the chat and making people feel unwelcome.

Wetfish is supposed to be a place of harmony and unity. When certain users push others away, it's a situation that we should carefully consider. What is the direction we want Wetfish to take? What kinds of conversations do we want to encourage?

Edit: * New user = Standard joined Wetfish approx 6 months ago

I do believe that Standard did, in fact, started a conversation (that further got a little heated) about a topic that leads to the controversy of opinions. However, this does not mean that they are promoting division. In fact, it is a little bit of an overstatement. You can still be friends even when you have different opinions on certain topics.Lack of agreement does not necessarily have to lead to a vendetta, we're not in politics (at least I'd hope so). Anyhow, my personal opinion on subj is that Standard is not promoting division, but promoting diversity(of opinions, races, etc). I think the more diverse community you have - the better, given they are all united by the same idea. Now, the question that logically follows: Well, what's the idea, then? As far as I know, the Wetfish's mission and its statement are still WIP(correct me if I am wrong, though), but if I were to take an educated guess it would be something along the lines of "nature, unity, and diversity". The conflict in question concerns the two latter of these, and the point I am trying to bring across is that it is important to not confuse diversity with division, as well as conflicts of opinion does not have to lead to adversity (and hence division) of the community.

TLDR; Division != Diversity, you can still be friends even if your opinions/social class/what the fuck ever are different from the person on the other end.
beep boop

Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2022, 12:28:31 pm »
imo standard is cool

Wetfish is not very diverse overall and it can become an echo chamber at times. We need users who shake things up.

Perhaps at times we should have closer moderation to ensure things don’t go off the rails. I think standard generally engages in good faith and does not directly promote division. Largely, standard asks people to question their assumptions and that is a healthy thing to do.

i like standard.  When they're being annoying just tell them.

I second these two.
beep boop

Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2022, 09:41:33 am »

I think standard generally engages in good faith and does not directly promote division. Largely, standard asks people to question their assumptions and that is a healthy thing to do.

I concur with this. While standard does push a few buttons once in a while I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, nor do I believe they are coming from a place of malice.

Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2022, 02:41:49 pm »
Another person reached out to me today saying:

<person> what's going on with standard these days
<rachel> hiya
<rachel> what do you mean?
<person> when i poke my head into the channel more these days it seems they're the locus of dispute more and more often

Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2022, 02:15:32 am »
Is this the issue that everyone is talking about?
aka luke

Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2022, 04:55:32 pm »
Is this the issue that everyone is talking about?

No. This thread is about the user named "standard". Please keep in mind that this is general discussion and NOT shitpost central

Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2022, 06:16:33 am »
standard is weird and annoys the crap outta me, but that's fine i just don't talk to them :-)

let them live their (lives)

Re: Is standard promoting division in the community?
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2024, 04:37:08 pm »
Update 2024: Standard was asked to leave Wetfish in August 2023 after moving in with kmbo and refusing to do any chores or get a job. In November 2023 standard started coming back to Wetfish in order to harass users and spam racial slurs

--- Day changed Thu Nov 16 2023
12:57 < standard> i sold stock in myself, suck it rachel

--- Day changed Tue Dec 26 2023
20:57 < standard> .tell rachel (van) you're a massive cunt

--- Day changed Tue Jan 09 2024
08:34 -!- saigon [email protected] has joined #wetfish
08:35 < saigon> !quote nigger
08:35 < saigon> !quote nigger
08:36 < saigon> !quote nigger
(Repeating a dozen times)
09:13 -!- mode/#wetfish +b :saigon!saigon@Fish* by Mozai