What do I say??
IDK what got you into a mess like that, but follow my instructions closely and you should be fine.
Convincing someone that you DON'T know something is almost impossible. I'm assuming that you've been tinkering with Bitcoins, and your parents are starting to get suspicious, right? ACT NORMAL. Bitcoins aren't recognized as legal tender in some regions, and commercing with them could lead to... issues.
The best thing for you to do for now is to export your wallet (see here:
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Cold_storage) and hide the flash drive or paper (or whatever you put the wallet on) somewhere, preferably somewhere outside of your home. Uninstall your client, clear your browsing history, and be sure to securely delete related files.
What do I mean by that? Your files aren't actually deleted when you empty the trash can on your computer. Instead, it's just made invisible to you and kept on there for as long as possible, so that investigators can collect it later if necessary. You can use special programs to remove these files, however - personally, I use the UNIX shred utility (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shred_(Unix)). But you're probably running Windows, so I suggest you use BleachBit (
In any case, you can launder the wallet AFTER everything blows over.
What's the context? The more I know the better I can help you get away with this.