Its a very broad term. you can use it for a lot of things in a lot of ways.
Like if you need a table and all you've got is a few nails, a hammer, some random pieces of wood, and a hand saw and you slap something together hastily, you're "Grissin" a table together.
If you don't have help moving a 3 person sofa and you just say "fuck it" and pick the thing up all angry carry it out the house and throw it in a truck bed, you just "grissed" that couch the fuck outta there.
If you just say fuck it and "do it live" and make something happen while being somebody, you're grissin'
I didn't start this, it just became a set of phrase usage my IRL circle would use to refer to the way I'd do things at certain times.
So yeah my pronoun is gris.
But you never wanna go "Full gris"
Gris doesn't even go full gris.
Thats the thing. To truly gris one must know the balance. Too little gris at any given time or too much gris can be disastrous. It isn't easy. It is and art.