Are chodes real?

  • 1 Replies
Are chodes real?
« on: July 08, 2023, 07:02:58 pm »
At a local anarchist party the topic of "chodes" came up, the mythical state of a penis which is wider than it is long.

Has anyone ever actually seen a chode in their life? I tried searching for pictures online but I couldn't find anything except for bad photoshop edits.

Are chodes real?

Re: Are chodes real?
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2023, 08:12:57 pm »
After further discussion at the party we concluded that there are two possible definitions for what a chode could be:

  • 1. Chode by diameter - A penis which is wider in diameter than its length. This seems impossible and nobody at the party had ever seen one
  • 2. Chode by circumference - A penis which has a circumference greater than the length. For example if a penis is 2 inches in diameter but less than 6.28 inches long, that would be a chode by circumference