Feb 2022, the "spying on deer" edition
- January was a big month. Tax season! time to talk about revenue. Software revenue has increased, tripled annual income!
- a potential contract for a space company?
- eva hired for wetfish devops
- meleeman hired for R&D for nature preservation; cameras and robots for monitoring. Maybe put on a show and sell tickets.
- luke harassed rachel a lot (good) and the list of servers for eva and kakama was documented
- kakava, eva and rachel want to get off github; host our own gitlab?
- eva: "Ansible (?vault?) for the win! no pushing secrets to production!"
- colocation, in kakama's basement?
- off-site backups? there's a hackerspace near rachel.
- due to the current chip drought, rachel's been <s>hoarding</s> accumulating old tech to re-use like raspi3s and 4s, better life for old bitcoin nodes.
- we have a belt printer and resin printer for making Wetfish merch, to sell at anime/ furry/ sci-fi cons. A combo ashtray and joint roller? glow-in-the-dark cat ears?
- standard is pestering people into donating to the poor; the name of the charity of choice is "Give Directly"
- the egirls went back home
- rachel's gonna head to Utah soon
- sonder is a good hiker and knotter
- meleeman 3D prints his own eyeglasses frames, defying the eyeglasses syndicate
- a burning-man-alike on rachel's mountain?
- (name unheard) wants to go to a furry con
Nature Preservation
- scientist rachel & meleeman are working on weather monitoring stuff
- standard's been doing something with vision recognition of deer
- weather-stations in different areas of the property because MICROCLIMATES
- meleeman wonders out-loud if his work journal should be shared documentation, like a code repo for text files. Rachel says [we have something like that](
- get hunting tags so we can cull the deer... but we gotta deal with the deer problem sooner than later. also Colorado is a pain in the keister to get the permits
- rachel wants Canadian land too, and it has something to do with gaining a seal-sona
Mozai jokes "and that's why my API keys are on post-it notes on my monitor!" and that got a bunch of "well, actually..."
Deer-recognition software is a nifty toy. "What if we had a (flying) drone with a nerfgun..." "All you gotta do is import some mountain lions." "What about getting decommissioned Chinese spy cameras? look for documentation in Wikileaks."
"6502 assembly rules."
"Oreos are, like, ice cream sandwiches but really dried out."