01:12 <&rachel> omg GUS JOHNSON REPLIED TO MY REDDIT THREAD01:12 <&rachel> https://www.reddit.com/r/gusjohnson/comments/61n26y/found_a_picture_of_gus_hanging_out_with_an_old/01:12 < Honkbert> [ Found a picture of Gus hanging out with an old 90s tv star!! : gusjohnson ]01:14 <+copt> wow rachel01:14 <+copt> you're basically internet famous01:15 <&rachel> thanks copt01:15 <&rachel> did I mention I hugged titanic sinclair?01:15 <+copt> no01:15 <&rachel> yeah that happened01:15 <&rachel> and frankjavcee said my name01:16 <&rachel> one time moot was in #wetfish
Who the hell is that and why do they have their own subreddit?