let's talk about dreams

  • 84 Replies
Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2017, 06:49:12 pm »
I had a dream where I actually felt an emotion. I was so excited that I didn't try to remember the rest of it.

What emotion did you feel?

Ask me again 12 hours ago.

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Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2017, 07:38:45 pm »
i just woke up from a dream where snoop dogg was an unquestioned class in team fortress 2

Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2017, 07:46:27 pm »
i just woke up from a dream where snoop dogg was an unquestioned class in team fortress 2


Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2017, 08:20:45 pm »
Last night I had a dream that I was hanging out with juniper and emilypi in some weird house. It felt like fish house, but we were in a room I'd never been in before. The floor was dirt and we had some grow lights with seedlings getting ready to be planted for spring. We were talking about growing plants and bees and permaculture nerd stuff.

Then heyeveryoneimcool came over and told us about all the cool stuff he was doing with the fish tanks that happened to be on the other side of the room. The fish tanks were huge! And all connected to each other with a series of tubes.

Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2017, 07:48:31 am »
Just woke up from a dream where I was half watching / half inside this show about 80s computer networks. It was talking about how the internet is changing how people communicate and to represent that there was a giant digital space ship thing. It was covered in pixels / LEDs or something and had a bunch of lines coming out of it like the way sailboats have support lines to keep the mast up, except it was like glowing wires and they were supposed to represent network connections between computers ?? ?? ? idk

Here's a drawing of the 80s internet space ship:

(it was like that except not crappy looking cause everything in dreams look awesome)

In another part of my dream I was at my mom's house and some lady was there and she wanted to learn more about wetfish.

Also I dreamed I was in school for a minute. What?

I think there was also something about a garden or a greenhouse in my dream but that was earlier in the night so I don't remember it as well.

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Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2017, 08:21:38 am »
I never have dreams but if I do they suck

Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2017, 08:52:06 am »
yesterday i had a dream that i was riding on a flat rock while it got skipped across a lake. there was a drummer there, smashing away and somehow making an entire band's worth of power metal music. i guess my brain is trying to make puns about hard rock.

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Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2017, 04:17:26 am »
last night I had a dream that I was spilling loads of CA glue on the floor, then the scene cut to me being chased by a dinosaur around a tree
then I woke up


Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2017, 11:48:32 am »
last night I had a dream that I was spilling loads of CA glue on the floor, then the scene cut to me being chased by a dinosaur around a tree
then I woke up


That sounds pretty cool. How big was the dinosaur?

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Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #24 on: July 10, 2017, 11:50:44 am »
last night I had a dream that I was spilling loads of CA glue on the floor, then the scene cut to me being chased by a dinosaur around a tree
then I woke up


That sounds pretty cool. How big was the dinosaur?

like 2-3x my height I think

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Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2017, 12:17:06 am »
the only dream I remember from my youth, I was being chased through my house by cartoon ghost pirates, then I was outside and a train rushed past, and suddenly there was a huge tiger made out of leaves. Its head was bigger than me.

I don't know why it stuck with me but I've never forgotten it


Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2017, 04:48:17 pm »
Today I remember my dreams had multiple parts:

1. Weird garden + weed harvester

In the first dream there was some sort of weird garden in a back yard but most of the plants were in containers. Somehow I experienced the beginning of the growing season with everything recently planted and just starting to grow, then went into another room and when I came back it was the end of the growing season with tons of plants 4-6 feet tall. We had some weed plants hiding in a shack and next to the shack was some dirty oily industrial weed trimmer thing that you'd put weed into and it would fall out of the bottom, perfectly trimmed.

2. Trippy dave n busters

Next I found myself wandering around in a weird combination of Dave n Busters, a convention center, and a school. A few of my friends were there with me. It was dimly lit with winding hallways and staircases, there were occasionally panel rooms and game areas. It reminded me of the place where I bought giant crystals in my dreams a couple months ago. The games were all analog, like rolling balls down a thing or throwing rings, and for some reason there were giant aquariums attached. As if they were doing some sort of aquaponics set up to clean the balls people were throwing???? There was also a giant box of prizes in the middle of the hallway at one point, the event wasn't very organized.

3. Driving away from mutant aliens

While leaving Blips n Chitz I found myself on a small unpaved road and some crazy people started shooting at me (with fireworks or something???). I remember getting out of the car, being like "UHHH DO YOU WANT SOMETHING?" and then noticed the car was full of mutant alien people. The aliens were humanoid with greyish brown skin and their heads had long lumps going from front to back with deep grooves maybe 2-3 inches deep between the lumps. Once I realized they were aliens I got back int omy truck and was like "WTF I'M GETTIN OUT OF HERE" and drove off

4. Crawling around in burnerville

After driving away from the aliens I found myself with some friends at a burn. I don't remember much from this part of the dream but I do remember crawling around like idiots through somebody's theme camp and accidentally unplugging things from a power strip.

So yeah, I know I dreamed about a couple other random things but I don't remember enough to articulate it. That's all folks!!

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Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2017, 06:10:07 am »
omg last night I was about to get SRS but something happened and I woke up

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Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #28 on: February 25, 2018, 01:10:57 pm »
omg last night I was about to get SRS but something happened and I woke up
fuck I don't remember this at all lol

Re: let's talk about dreams
« Reply #29 on: June 22, 2018, 01:46:16 pm »
I keep on having dreams featuring my gf, which is pretty great because it's like I get to spend even more time with her.